Monday 11 January 2010

Sisters - A precious relationship

It’s the new year, I was a little bored and thought hey, I wonder what articles were printed on this day last year and I found this.

After reading the whole article, I can definitely say I identify with it and know where the author is coming from. Sisters have this amazing ability to be your best friend one minute, your enemy the next and back to being your best friend again. There is this invisible bond that holds us together and whereas with friends, who you can leave when you like... with your sister, well she’s there for life whether you like it or not. Personally I find it very comforting knowing that there will always be someone in my corner; fighting for me, supporting me, willing me to do well. It’s that sense of trust and loyalty that is not easily replicated in other relationships. Maybe it is impossible recreate that bond with others, who knows. Although I feel sad at times, I do feel blessed that I had the opportunity to experience my sister’s love in my life. Those memories and secrets that we shared will always stay with as long as I live and the bond that I shared with my sister is completely irreplaceable.

I am lucky in that I am still able to experience that relationship with my cousin sisters who I am very close to (mA) and I hope that our sisterly bond will continue to remain strong for as long as we shall live. With Aisha, well she is of course irreplaceable and I will always feel connected to her. Often I feel as if she is looking out for me, helping and guiding me along the right path, giving me a little inspiration on where to go/ what to do next in my life. I still get a little upset when I think of all the people that will never get the chance to meet Aishi; my husband, my children, new additions to the family, new friends that I make - all those people will never get to see what a warm hearted, pure and generous person she is.

All those occasions that she will miss out on; my first day in my new job (the career that she was the inspiration for), the day I meet my in-laws for the first time, the day I get married and all the functions/ shenanigans associated with it, moving into my new home, being a Khala (aunt) to my kids, there are so many first’s that she won’t be present for and it gets to me. I feel like it is loss on behalf of the people that will never get to meet her and loss for me too as I won’t get the chance to express how much we truly love each other, by being there for each other. Best friends come and go but sisters are supposed to stay forever and I just never expected our relationship to be any different.

As time goes on, I just hope I can do a good job of preserving her memory and keeping her alive in my mind to remember all moments we shared and share them with those she that left behind.

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