Wednesday 20 January 2010

A national treasure...

I admit it! I adore Stephen Fry!!! I find his QI series hilarious and watch it every week as well as following him on Twitter and regularly reading his blog. I realise this makes me sound like a stalker but I really do love listening to him and watching him on screen. He’s funny, intelligent, articulate and is a genuinely compassionate person. The BBC series; ‘The secret life of a manic depressive’ in 2006 was an amazing show to watch in which he shared his experiences of the illness he has suffered from for so long. It sounds a bit weird but I think it made us like him even more, the fact he was willing to share the bad as well as the good bits of his life. Additionally he helped raise awareness for sufferers of mental health disorders and in turn he received a wealth of supporters who admired him for it.

‘Stephen Fry in America’ was a fun series to watch as well as his movies such as Gosford Park and also the various wildlife documentaries. He’s a wonderful writer as evidenced by his blog, autobiography and various novels and has a fantastic sense of humour. I even went back and watched some of his earlier work with Hugh Laurie. I love the fact that he is willing to fight for what he believes in and if he ever does slip up in any way or thinks he is in the wrong, he will never back away from an apology.

One of the images I have of Stephen Fry is when he advertised Twinnings tea as that is how I see him, relaxing with a cup of tea – very quaint and very English, lol. Also rather randomly one of his other adverts; Direct line (with Paul Merton) also seems to stick in my mind, although I’m not entirely sure why! So a British actor, comedian, television presenter, writer, film director; err, have I missed anything? I mean seriously is there anything this man cannot do? But why am I telling you all this- because I have turned into something of a stalker and wanted to share it with the world? Partly, yes but more so because I’m currently watching the NTA’s on ITV when I should be doing my uni work (major procrastination!). I’ve just watched Stephen Fry received the ‘Special recognition award’ and it brought a huge smile to my face. Thoroughly deserved and I can’t think of a better recipient  :)

With regards to the NTA’s, other winners that I was pleased about were David Tennant for best drama performance (Woo!) and the Dr Who series for the best drama – again totally spot on, although it has to be said I may be somewhat biased :P

One of the Tweets on the night that made me giggle :)

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