Sunday 3 January 2010

Oooh the drama!!!

Oh my word! Why am I still surprised when stuff like this stuff happens to me?!

The start of the Christmas holidays and with the snow falling outside, I wasn’t too keen on going anywhere. I read some journals for uni (good intentions right?) and for a bit of a break, I decided to make a start on moving my posts across from Blogger to Wordpress (it is taking forever I know!). However me being the perfectionist that I am, I wanted to tweak everything so that it was just right etc. Seen as my usual family IT/computer-related help person was away for the hols, I enrolled an alternative helper (thank you helper person!). Basically at some stage, I did something wrong – what exactly, I’m still a little unclear – and just for future reference; 404 errors = bad news! With the wordpress stuff eventually corrected and I continued with other work. Except a new problem arose hence this post!

I decided to back up my data (luckily) a few days earlier as I remembered I hadn’t done a recent back up for a while and I wouldn’t have peace of mind until I had done so. And thank god I did because on the 2nd January my computer decided to have a fit! Urgh! But no worries because you know I backed up my data right? Phew! So I set about fixing my laptop, I tried data scanning for viruses – no good, recovery disc’s – no good and eventually after an hour of faffing around I though screw it, I’m going to wipe it clean and restore it back to factory settings. After informing my laptop of my intentions… but in a more threatening manner – yes, I was having a conversation my computer at this point. Peaceful reasoning had failed and drastic measures needed to be taken from here on in! So far I've spent the entire next day reinstalling all the various programs I needed, which was a tedious task. But I think what annoyed me the most was that the windows updates decided update themselves in huge chunk all at once. Prior to the meltdown, I used have a few updates every couple of weeks or something. This time I downloaded 113 updates over two days and I’m still counting!
Can I just say my one saving grace in all this drama has been my wonderful external hard drive! At least I was prepared, but what still confuses me is why my laptop had an attack in the first place? I even thought it might be dust build up and ended up taking the back cover off my laptop and giving the keyboard and ventilation a good clean with a soft brush. I’m amazed at the sheer amount of dust that could gather in such a small thing! Anyhow when trawling through various forums/ discussion boards of what/ how I should clean certain components(helpful hints can be found
here) and I also came across this thing.

Cyber Clean - I think it’s pretty nifty and I want one!

The computer is all fine now thankfully! But some online stuff has also been a bit bizarre. For example Windows live alert tried to convince me that all these people has their birthdays on the 1st of January, which I know for certain is not true.Or the time when Wordpress wouldn’t let me sign out! What is up with techy stuff lately? Maybe it’s like a new version of the millennium bug?*

*(Remember all that hoo haa about the millennium bug back in the year 2000? Seems so funny now...)

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