Sunday 28 December 2008


As I mentioned in my previous posts, I’ve attended way too many weddings this summer and this inevitably led to the question... “So when are you getting married?” Uh it’s the question that hangs over your head every day until... well until you do get hitched!

At 15/16 I was excited about school. At 17/18 I was focussed on getting into uni. At 19 - 21, I was at uni studying, preoccupied with getting my career on the right track. At 22, I was busy studying. At 23, I'm still studying but now I'm also scared witless! :(

As you can see I’ve always managed to come out with some excuse but now I think I’m running out of them! People still continue to study and develop their careers even after they get married, so what’s stopping me? I’m not saying I want to get married straight away or that I’m desperate. I just find the whole a bit daunting! The fact that so much emphasis is placed on finding the right one. How will I know who that is? I have way too many questions in my head...

  • What if I never find Mr Right? (... will I grow into a single slightly mad old woman over time, surrounded by only my books for company? Not so bad. But what if I get THAT desperate that I start considering some really keen people from back "there" – Uh... ok now I’ve reached a whole new level of scariness!)
  • What if I find a possible Mr Right and he doesn’t like me in return? (Urgh rejection is an evil thing... I’ve never been rejected before! Wow this could cause serious issues for my ego and general mental health)
  • What if I marry him and his family hate me? (I could have evil in-laws that may try to kill me or constantly trying to frame for someone else’s murder. Oh no, wait... I’ve been watching those Indian dramas with my mother again! Duh!)
  • What if everything is fine and then we realise that we’re not the perfect match we thought we were and have to go our separate ways? (Probably most likely AFTER I’ve spent ages decorating the house to just how I would like it and then we have to sell it anyway!)

Uh oh what if my potential life partner finds this blog, reads it and then realises that I may be slightly crazy? Ok ok, so that’s not very likely but on a serious note there are so many things to consider about getting married as well as your usual life stuff about careers, goals, ambitions etc. Also is it just me or do girls seem to have a harder time about getting married than guys do? It’s like girls have an expiry date tattooed on them somewhere and must get married by a certain age or they are considered “past it”. Whilst guys on the other hand seem to be much more laid back about it and don’t really seem to have any age restrictions on them. I don’t get the big gender difference, marriage is hard regardless of what gender you are. Right?


  1. Totally confirms my theory that women are proper weird/crazy :P
