Friday 26 December 2008

Appearances can be deceiving

Kinda stating the obvious I know :P

Talking to someone recently I realised how deceiving appearances can be. This person who on face value I thought seemed quite cool, calm and collected was actually nothing like that on the inside. From afar, I admired him for not getting caught up in typical family drama’s and what others may or may not think of him, something that I wish that I could have a break from every so often. The more I talk to this person and get to know them, I realise that everyone goes through their own fair share of BS, but whether they make it public or not is up to them.

I wonder how people around me, perceive me to be? Not wanting to have a load of compliments thrown at me (though that would be nice, so please don’t hesitate, lol )... I wonder do I seem calm on the surface or a horrible nervous mess? Do people mistake me for something else but then once they get to know me does their opinion change or does their opinion stay the same.

Hmmm... how I wish I had the ability to read people’s minds. A bit like Mel Gibson in “What Women Want” :)


  1. Sounds like you're a little bit taken by this someone ;)

  2. It's true. You're a horrible mess Saima. Sorry :P

  3. Intially quiet and shy but a wonderful person to be around :)

  4. Intially quiet and shy. But an incredibly clever and lovely person to be around. Also has a wicked sense of humour :)

  5. Twisted sense of humour, neurotic, shud I go on?
    Nah just kidding - nice person and totally sane. Most of the time ;)

  6. Sweet and cute and cheerful as always :)
