Wednesday 10 December 2008


My friends still find it highly amusing that whilst we’re having conversations if I happen to find a pen or paper lying about, I can’t seem to resist the urge to start doodling. I’ll still be paying attention to what is being said but I’ll also make notes or little sketches related to the topics that we’re discussing – something that I used to do in my tutorials at university. Sometimes it’s complete rubbish and sometimes I’ll surprise myself by what I’ve written. My easily amused friends have even stolen various doodles!!! Why?! Why would they do that?! lol

Anyway after discussing lunch with one of the researchers at the hospital the other day, I started doodling away. Not in front of her mind, but on the train home, lol. Here’s what we discussed. She’s a psychologist by the way...

I had more doodles, which I made on a stray newspaper when I ran out of paper. Unfortunately I left them on the train! Ah well it’ll make interesting reading for someone else, lol.


  1. OMG! This is what goes on on in ur head?

  2. Scary but nicely organised? :P

  3. FlowerPowerApril 22, 2011

    Ooh! love flowcharts (not) ;)
