Monday 22 December 2008

Random conversations

I kid you not, this conversation actually took place! No idea why it made me laugh so much! My friend and I were sat chatting when she recognised a couple of guys that she sort of knew through various people at university. The conversation we accidentally overheard was as follows…

Guy 1: Yeah man. Can’t believe X. *shakes his head* So how’s business?
Guy 2: Hey man. Read that! *points to article in the Metro newspaper* Yea, Gym’s doing good. Joe wants to get a new website up… but having a few problems, innit. No worries though cos I’m getting some guys in to sort it out for me. Me and technology don’t gel, know what I mean?
Guy 1: Yea. Man some people are crazy huh? *points at the Metro article*
Guy 2: People got too much money innit. Hahaha… *He laughs a ridiculous laugh*
Guy 1: It’s supposed to a recession and that ain’t it? (Yea deep insight there guys, lol)
Guy 2: I don’t get this shit man. Blobbing and that. (Did he just say blobbing?!)
Guy 1: Dude don’t you mean blogging? *He laughs*
Guy 2: What did I say?
Guy 1: Blobbing *laughs again*
Guy 2: Whatever. It’s all shit man! This technology stuff is in the news way too much man. Titters (twitters), blobs (blogs), googles (googling) and all that. Too much crap we don’t need.
Guy 1: Times change man. You gotta move ahead.
Guy 2: Yea well it’s stupid. If I had my way, we wouldn’t need all this shit. Nice and simple like the old days… *He says as he texts away on his mobile phone* – (ah the irony!)… women didn’t to compete with ladders n shit in business and men weren’t getting sued for being men.
(I think he meant women climbing the corporate ladder and “men being men” I’m assuming he was talking about sexism in the work place?!)
Guy 1: What you getting sued for man?
Guy 2: *Total silence* Nothing man. Why what have you heard? *he asks nervously*
Random. Though now I'm wondering what he may have possibly been sued for... hmmm.

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