Monday 14 September 2009

Err, the IP belongs to me? No?

So I finally made a decision about where to go for my doctoral studies and have been sent my contracts in the post. That’s right – contracts. Not university forms to fill in but contracts that need to be signed, which makes it sound all so scary. I mean contracts are not a new thing for you, I’ve had to sign them for jobs etc but never for a place of study. An agreement to the code of conduct at university – yes; a contract at university – err, no. This contract in particular had clauses such as;

i) Your must agree to assign Intellectual Property arising from the projects to the University. Full details of this are explained in the assignment letter (see below).
I cannot be bothered copying the rather wordy and legal sounding assignment letter. Sorry! But I mean really? My intellect or more specifically the intellectual property that I may or may not develop does NOT belong to me? I really don’t get some type of ownership over this? Oh no wait I do... just a passing comment perhaps, but mostly it’s all the university. Which in fairness is ok I guess, seen as they are paying for me via my scholarship. It just feels a bit weird that’s all.

ii) During the tenure of the studentship you may undertake teaching and demonstrating duties in the university provided that the total demand made on your time, including preparation time, does not exceed six hours in any one week. You may not, however, retain or accept other employment or an appointment, which involves substantial calls upon your time without written consent of the Head of the School in which you are registered.
Ah yes lecturing, which I conveniently forgot about, eek! I’ve done like odd lectures here and there, filling in for people etc but teaching a regular class – again scary stuff! Ah well I guess I’ll deal with it when I get there, lol.

Ok, SO maybe I’m making it sound a bit scary as it is not all harsh and I will learn a lot from some really knowledgeable people. Also I got a really lovely accompanying letter of which included; congratulating me on getting the studentship (Why, thank you), the faculty hoped that I would accept the offer (which I have done) and wished that my time at the university is rewarding and enjoyable (well I hope so too).

Anyhow I now have two whole weeks off. Neither Saba or I have had much of a break this year so these two weeks really mean a lot to us. Eid is coming up and I have a lot of things to sort out before the new university semester begins again. Two whole weeks!!! Woohoo!!!

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