Friday 10 April 2009

Palestine and Israel

I’m not sure how everyone else feels, but I’m just so tired of the whole thing now. What is wrong with the world? Also it doesn’t help when I get bombarded by chain emails etc. Some are just plain stupid and try to promote feelings of negativity between which will definitely NOT help the situation. Others make you stop and think and do actually have a proper message to convey. Here are a selection of some of the emails that I have received recently, so let’s see what you make of them.

Email 1:
The Palestinian Representative's Speech at the UN

'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses. When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!'
He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.
When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished.
An Israeli had stolen them.'
The Israeli representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Israelis weren't there then.'
The Palestinian representative smiled and said:
'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.'

I actually like this one. Just goes to show that some people out there do still have the ability to think clearly.

Email 2:

“The biggest robbery of the 20th century. Is it Gold? Is it Diamonds? Is it money? Is it Oil? Can you guess???”

That may not be an accurate map but it makes a huge impact on the reader regardless of it being genuine or not.

Email 3:

Reasons why the Muslim World is so powerless!
The situation in the Muslim world is still sad as it was 500 years ago since we relaxed our quest for knowledge. Because of that influence and power shifted to the Christian world - and have remained there ever since. The figures are speaking themselves very loudly but we refuse to listen.

Some thoughts and extracts of speech by Hafez A.B. Mohamed. Director-General, Al Baraka Bank.


And yet the 14 million Jews are more powerful than the entire 1.5 billion Muslims... WHY? Here are some reasons… (Clue: they are all Jewish)
What do you conclude? No need to tell... The figures are speaking themselves very loudly but we are unable to use the ears Allah gave us to listen and eyes to let us see...

Please educate yourself and your children. Excuses like lack of money, ability or opening are nothing more than that - excuses. Always promote education, don't compromise on it. We hate to be weak, illiterate and poor but are we too weak to give our children the opportunity to break the curse?

Don't ignore your children's slightest misguidance from education... and please, for Allah's sake, don't use your personal contacts to promote your children in their education. If they fail, let them because it will make them learn the sweetness of success. Remember... if they can't do it now, they can't ever.

With knowledge comes power, and with it even the small can rule over the big. We are world's biggest but sadly NOT strongest nation.

All we need is to identify and explore our inner selves. Insha-Allah, our weapon to victory, our duty to spread God's words and our opportunity save all humankind is best through knowledge, creativity, literacy... And nothing else.

Wake up O khalifahs of the land ... Please remember the people of Palestine in your prayers.

This one was a bit long due the abundance of so many facts and figures. Although they sound very convincing, I wonder how accurate they really are. Also after reading it, I didn’t feel any hatred towards the Jewish or Christian population, but instead I just thought wow, these guys really have achieved such a lot and then I thought, God the Muslim world should really try harder. “Come on guys, make an effort!”

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