Sunday 12 April 2009

Fewston Reservoir

I have to say first and foremost what a beautiful place it really is! I really didn’t have any expectations for it. I mean I saw some pictures but I really just wanted to go and spend some time with my family away from all the usual distractions. As usual, other things took precedence for our parents but Saba, Sara, Bilal and I were determined to do something this Easter weekend. So Easter Sunday, I packed a picnic and with the sun shining down on us, we set off on our walk around Fewston reservoir.

A quarter of the way round the reservoir, Sara felt the need to go back and protect the picnic as she heard bears growling. Ahem, bears indeed! Even though they were only four of us, we sort of segregated into two teams. Sara and I ambled along, chit chatting, soaking up the sun and just enjoying the surrounding scenery whilst Saba and Bilal raced up ahead chanting some kind of keeping fit mantra. Ok I jest – there was no mantra being chanted… I think :P. Well I can’t be sure as Sara and I were lagging behind quite a bit, stopping to look at the scenery… and also because I was taking pictures every so often - which gave Saba and Bilal the opportunity to hide behind every tree to try and surprise us, lol. Unfortunately Bilal’s bright blue shoes sometimes gave him away, lol!

One memorable moment during our walk, was an asian couple who were walking towards Sara and I and gave us a weird smile as they passed us by. We thought nothing of it and we walked on further to find Saba and Bilal crouched behind a wall, waiting to surprise us. Apparently the couple had seen them and promised not to tell Sara or I their hiding place, lol. It just goes to show that everyone loves a good game of hide and seek don’t they? Lol. Later on we stopped about two thirds of the way round the perimeter of the reservoir to skim some pebbles across the water. Bilal didn’t join in as he was tired and moody but then again he couldn’t resist. Not realising he had decided to join us, we continued playing when suddenly we heard a huge splash. We all turned to find that Bilal had thrown in the biggest rock he could find and was now laughing like a mad man. None of us three could help but fall about in fits of giggles :)

Other things that spring to mind – Bilal spotting a zebra… which was actually just a regular dalmatian a few feet away! Saba not liking the fact that it was a little crowded at the start (Easter weekend!), with an abundance of dogs. Sara’s fear of dogs, love of antakshiri and her trying to convince me to take a walk in the woods – maybe she murderous intentions, I don’t know :S Also me being a tad bit too enthusiastic about the water “It’s just so blue Sara, look!” – I think I had sun stroke :P

We eventually returned to the car and I can report that the food was safe. The, ahem “bears” must have missed our car! Phew! We sat and ate, chatted, played some ball and as the weather got a little nippy, we decided to get going. On the way back, we bought gifts for our parents. Jasmine plants, some other plant I can’t remember the name of and a cute little model hedgehog were bought from a nice lady at the lavender shop. We returned home to Leeds, where we enjoyed the last few rays of sunshine. I think I speak for all of us when I say that it was a lovely day - fabulous weather, a fun picnic and good company. Our goal for this summer is to explore the different walks and historical sites within Yorkshire – weather permitting of course. Next stop Fountains Abbey hopefully :)