Thursday 2 April 2009

Barack Obama visits the UK

Yea! President Obama’s first official visit to the UK! Though I’m not sure he’s quite there with the gift giving yet, lol. This is the guy who gave Gordon Brown a gift of 25 DVD’s when Brown visited the USA last month. Ok so we’ll over look that. Imagine it’s your first time going to the UK as the president of the US. What would you give to the woman who can have anything she wants? Well Obama thought he’d give the Queen an iPod. What the hell?! Can you imagine how the conversation must have gone? - “Oh my god, yes that’s it. An iPod! That’s what she needs.” Hmm… I wonder what songs he upload for her? Did he get it engraved especially? lmao

The real reason for the visit – the G20 summit of course.
Barack Obama + Gordon Brown + leaders of other large economies…
Will they save the world? I certainly hope so.


Smiling man?!

P.S. Shocked to find a picture of Gordon Brown smiling. Actually on second thoughts, I think I prefer his miserable look more!

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