Thursday 15 April 2010

Typical volcanoes

Mount Eyjafjallajokull has erupted.

Who knew a volcano could cause so mush disruption??? Flights grounded, travel chaos. Apparently the Icelandic eruption could have an effect on the British summer making it the coldest yet in 500 years. Not fair! :( On the plus side we’re going to see some amazing sunsets today due to the volcanic ash cloud.

I love how the media focus in on insane things like, there is a very real threat that there may be a exotic fruit shortage if this travel disruption continues. I mean come on! Like there are really people sat around thinking’ Omg! Our kiwi supplies are in danger! What are we going to do?!?!’ Highly unlikely I think you’ll agree. I’m pretty sure all this is Iceland’s revenge on how we treated them over the banking collapse, lol.

You can always rely on Twitter for some light hearted humour ;)

You gotta love British humour ;) I’m pretty sure that one day us human beings will be wiped out by a natural disaster whilst we're all too busy mocking it on twitter.

Besides when will you ever be able to use that excuse again? It’s a once in a lifetime kind of thing.

Boss: ‘Can you make it back in time for work?’
Employee: ‘Err, no, no. I’m afraid not... the volcano’s still playing up’.

A fellow colleague at the hospital who had gone abroad for her Easter holidays, has been affected by the travel situation As a consequence, she now has to spend an extra week at her holiday destination – Jamaica! So whilst we’re stuck in good old rainy England, she is stranded in a tropical sunny island. It must be a real pain, all this upset ;)

I think overall, I’m just a little narked that I don’t get to use it as a genuine excuse :P

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