Monday 5 April 2010

Reinstalling Wordpress

Imran bhaijaan has just reinstalled Wordpress for me, as I had some technical problems previously. Seriously I have no excuses now. I really do have to move over Wordpress and leave Blogger behind. And I mean like properly backdate all my posts, pictured and all. It’s no joke! I mean it is getting a bit ridiculous now as I’ve had this site for about year now. And yes I should be ashamed :P So it’s now or never as I won’t get time next year due to a heavier workload; more hospital rounds, longer patient lists etc.

The main reasons I wanted to leave Blogger were because;

a) You couldn’t have more than one page!

b) The editor screen was hardly the best and once I saw the Wordpress one… well there was no going back ;)

c) You couldn’t alter the themes or upload your own ones. Plus the themes that were available didn’t really appeal to me. Did I mention how picky I am?

Would you believe it that as I am now shifting stuff over to Wordpress, Blogger FINALLY decide to update their services. I mean now you can have up to 10 pages and the editor screen has vastly improved. There is even a theme hemes are still the same though ;)

You can link stuff now! I know how sad that sounds but prior to this upgrade I had to learn the bloody html coding thingy from Mohsin and a couple of other friends!

So yes, Wordpress has been reinstalled again… with err, no security issues or 404 errors etc. Also Imran bhai decided to give me a helping hand…

It’s definitely an eye catching tagline for the blog, not sure how that reflects on my medical career promoting myself like so :P

Also Wordpress’s default theme for 2010; a picture of the woods coupled with Imran bhai’s rather unique tagline. Bhaijaan claims it’s just a happy coincidence. Yea, right…

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