Friday 30 April 2010

Frankie boyle for Palestine

Of all the people out there, I never thought Frankie Boyle would defend Palestine... and all because of some overzealous censoring on a recent radio program. I mean when they booked Frankie Boyle for their show, they must have had some inkling of the type of dark humour he uses and is well known for. Anyhow, good on him for speaking up. Yea for Frankie Boyle ;)

Read more about it here.

Thursday 22 April 2010

The conservatory

We're having a conservatory built but seen as I’m feeling too lazy to write (seriously I have written ridiculous amounts this past few months!), here is the progress on our conservatory in pictures…
Heavy lifting! Before any digging could be done, I helped dad relay the garden path so it was all nice and even. This was my only contribution... and then the builders took over. Thankfully :)
The foundations were dug out, levelled, cemented and finally the brick wall made its appearance.

The beams for the floor go in and the brick wall gets its first layer of cement.

The frames go up and the roof goes on.
The windows and doors are installed, electrics are sorted out and the flooring is laid down.

With the building work completed, all it needed was a lick of paint (inside and out), some furniture and some blinds installed. What actually followed was a bit of a lag phase :P Feel free to take guesses on how long it took, lol. But the point is it finally completed and here is the finished result :)
Next stop; the garden!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik – is it really that big a deal?

Since when did two people getting married become such a big deal? I’m not a big fan of watching Pakistani news channels all the time (something which my dad loves doing!) and would rather spend what little TV time I do have, watching something I enjoy. So you can appreciate that in recent weeks, it becomes terribly tiresome hearing/ watching the same piece of news on a continuous loop. It’s enough to drive anyone a little crazy and I would greatly appreciate it if the Pakistani channels could find some other ‘news’.

Wedding pictures: Sania had some lovely outfits, although I do wonder why Shoaib didn't bother ironing his kurta for the mendhi fundtion... but that's just me :P

I understand that people are interested in the rivalry between India and Pakistan etc, the previous controversy before the impending marriage (that is some messed up story Shoaib!) and how the marriage come and the impact (if any) that they believe this marriage will have on both Sania and Shoaib’s careers. Yet at the same time but I do firmly believe in the saying ‘Live and let live’ and I think everyone just needs to calm down!

Putting my annoyance aside for a moment, how cute do they look as a couple?

Saturday 17 April 2010

My Dad

All my life I have watched my dad work hard in order to provide for his family and not just for his immediate family i.e. his wife and children, but also his brothers and sisters to help them get established and stand on their own two feet.

The start of our relationship is best described by a story that mum tells me of the moment I was born. Dad was outside the ward, waiting for the news (he’s a bit of a wimp what with hospitals and all) and was overjoyed when he learnt that his first child was a little girl. After seeing my mother and I, he went out and shared mitaai out to all his friends and family to celebrate my birth. His chosen sweet was ladoo’s and upon receiving the sweets, his friends congratulated him on the birth of his son. When my dad corrected them and informed them that in fact he had a little daughter, most of them were taken aback and asked why he was so happy, it was only a girl after all. To which my dad replied, regardless of whether he had a boy or girl, his offspring would make him proud and he didn’t care if he had a boy or not. That the great thing about my dad, he sticks up for me when I least expect it.

Prior to my birth, Dad had chosen Shakil for a boy and was undecided on a girl’s name. Mum suggested Maria as she liked the sound of that (Guys!!! I could have been a Maria!!!) but dad pulled a face and was adamant that it should begin with an S to match his name and he wanted people to know he was proud. He looked at me and said ‘Saima’ and it clicked. When Aisha was born, again mitaai was shared and again people asked why he was so happy. Man, stereotypical asian people! Can I just point this out this quote...

“Whoever takes care of two girls until they reach adulthood - he and I will come (together) on the Day of Resurrection - and he interlaced his fingers (meaning in Paradise).” (Reported by Muslim)

"He who raises two daughters until their puberty will be with me in Paradise like this", and he symbolized the proximity by showing two of his fingers with a slight gap between them." (Muslim)

Our childhood was a happy one. We were number one in dad’s world and he would always make time for us. He always took us out and about with him but he would also make at least one special trip each year – sort of like an annual family outing. Now that we’re older, times and circumstances have changed and in the same way our relationship has also matured.

Some funny things about my dad... My father reckons he was a bit of heart throb in his younger years and to some extent still thinks he is one. Whenever we receive an invitation to a close family member’s wedding, without fail dad will always ask whether there is a suitable lady in the new family that is willing to get married to him. Of course we all know he’s having a laugh but when we were children, my sister and I always used to get into an argument with dad ordering him to never leave mum and make him promise and double promise, lol. My Dad still tries to flirt when he’s given the chance (often to the embarrassment of his children) and says people love it and flirt back with him (of which I have never seen any evidence). With regards to dress sense, my dad tends to stick to his usual colours and doesn’t like deviating from them. However this has now changed a little since I now usually accompany dad when he goes clothes shopping and get to have more of say in what he buys for himself. This brings me to one of my dad’s funny quirks. Every so often, my dad actually takes my advice but doesn’t like to acknowledge it outright. Sometimes the advice is taken on face value and sometimes it is eventually heeded but in a roundabout way. But the important point is that I’m treated like an equal by my dad and that is a major thing for both of us.

My father loves to sing as loud as he can and make up random rhymes in amongst the singing. Often these do not make any sense but I don’t think he cares to be honest, I think he just likes making himself heard. Also Aisha totally loves it when dad sings and I have no idea why, lol! From time to time dad uses me as a sounding board to discuss things that he doesn’t want to share with mum or anyone else straight away. This initially felt a bit strange but I do like that when my dad needs someone to confide, I am considered a suitable candidate... and this makes me feel good. It’s strange that even as we grow up, we still look towards our parents for approval and validation. My relationship with my dad… it has its ups and downs but at the end of the day he is my father and he helped bring me into this world and I love him dearly. You’re probably wondering why I am telling you all this? Well, today was my dad’s birthday and despite our ups and downs, I do indeed love my father dearly and pray that he leads a long life in which he is happy and healthy always (iA). Love you daddy :)

Thursday 15 April 2010

Typical volcanoes

Mount Eyjafjallajokull has erupted.

Who knew a volcano could cause so mush disruption??? Flights grounded, travel chaos. Apparently the Icelandic eruption could have an effect on the British summer making it the coldest yet in 500 years. Not fair! :( On the plus side we’re going to see some amazing sunsets today due to the volcanic ash cloud.

I love how the media focus in on insane things like, there is a very real threat that there may be a exotic fruit shortage if this travel disruption continues. I mean come on! Like there are really people sat around thinking’ Omg! Our kiwi supplies are in danger! What are we going to do?!?!’ Highly unlikely I think you’ll agree. I’m pretty sure all this is Iceland’s revenge on how we treated them over the banking collapse, lol.

You can always rely on Twitter for some light hearted humour ;)

You gotta love British humour ;) I’m pretty sure that one day us human beings will be wiped out by a natural disaster whilst we're all too busy mocking it on twitter.

Besides when will you ever be able to use that excuse again? It’s a once in a lifetime kind of thing.

Boss: ‘Can you make it back in time for work?’
Employee: ‘Err, no, no. I’m afraid not... the volcano’s still playing up’.

A fellow colleague at the hospital who had gone abroad for her Easter holidays, has been affected by the travel situation As a consequence, she now has to spend an extra week at her holiday destination – Jamaica! So whilst we’re stuck in good old rainy England, she is stranded in a tropical sunny island. It must be a real pain, all this upset ;)

I think overall, I’m just a little narked that I don’t get to use it as a genuine excuse :P

Tuesday 13 April 2010

The new doctor

So here it is, Matt Smith’s turn as the new doctor in ‘Doctor Who’. Verdict – everyone seems to like him and doesn’t seem to have let the side down. His version of the doctor seems to fit with the story and everyone seems to like it. Everyone including my family...

I agree with Sob Phupho... his head is an odd shape :P

And yet even though I also think he is good, for some reason I think that my admission is a form of betrayal. Why? Because I still have a soft spot for David Tennant :P lol. I even refrained from commenting on family FB status updates... as I’m still childish like that :P

But yes I will admit, Matt smith is great new doctor. Will he be even better that David Tennant? Perhaps for some, but for me personally, I’m saying no for now. But what do I know... I mean I am utterly biased towards the Tennant camp anyhow ;)

Monday 12 April 2010

Salman Khan

When I younger (and hadn’t developed a sense of taste yet) I quite liked Salman Khan. Thankfully I moved onto better things (some may disagree) but despite this when I discovered Salman had joined Twitter, I just had to check it out!

And he actually uses it...
I had a hard time finding one where Salman Khan still had his shirt one :P
But when I did find one where he was fully clothed, he actually looks quite good, don't you think?

Ok. Now I’m over it. Promise.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Beautiful watches

Whilst my friend was searching for a suitable birthday present for her husband, I peered over her shoulder to see her flick across numerous pages online whilst trying to find the right gift. By chance she happened to land on this particular picture by accident and it caught my eye. I thought it looked pretty good. To say it’s pricey would be an understatement but it still looks good, lol.

The maitres du temps. And then I found some more pretty watches;
GreubelForsey Quadruple Tourbillon

Armin Strom Blue Chip Skeleton

Urwerk UR-202 Turbine Regulated Watch

Here’s the link if you want to read more about them.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Switch places?

And yes... I totally wish I could swap places with her. Despite the fact that Keanu may look like a homeless person :(

Monday 5 April 2010

Reinstalling Wordpress

Imran bhaijaan has just reinstalled Wordpress for me, as I had some technical problems previously. Seriously I have no excuses now. I really do have to move over Wordpress and leave Blogger behind. And I mean like properly backdate all my posts, pictured and all. It’s no joke! I mean it is getting a bit ridiculous now as I’ve had this site for about year now. And yes I should be ashamed :P So it’s now or never as I won’t get time next year due to a heavier workload; more hospital rounds, longer patient lists etc.

The main reasons I wanted to leave Blogger were because;

a) You couldn’t have more than one page!

b) The editor screen was hardly the best and once I saw the Wordpress one… well there was no going back ;)

c) You couldn’t alter the themes or upload your own ones. Plus the themes that were available didn’t really appeal to me. Did I mention how picky I am?

Would you believe it that as I am now shifting stuff over to Wordpress, Blogger FINALLY decide to update their services. I mean now you can have up to 10 pages and the editor screen has vastly improved. There is even a theme hemes are still the same though ;)

You can link stuff now! I know how sad that sounds but prior to this upgrade I had to learn the bloody html coding thingy from Mohsin and a couple of other friends!

So yes, Wordpress has been reinstalled again… with err, no security issues or 404 errors etc. Also Imran bhai decided to give me a helping hand…

It’s definitely an eye catching tagline for the blog, not sure how that reflects on my medical career promoting myself like so :P

Also Wordpress’s default theme for 2010; a picture of the woods coupled with Imran bhai’s rather unique tagline. Bhaijaan claims it’s just a happy coincidence. Yea, right…

Friday 2 April 2010


Right so.... I want sunshine, I want blue skies, I want flowers, I want children laughing, I want joy, I want good times... and ACTION! Spring is here!!! Woohoo!

It is a welcome change from the winter we’ve just had. Don’t get me wrong, winter was great, the snow was fantastic but now it is time for a change.

Did you know it from Lands End to John O’Groats, it takes 8 weeks for Spring to arrive, travelling at speed of 1/3 of a mile every hour.

Why do I know that? I have no idea... :)