Tuesday 4 July 2006

Tell me what you want!

At the risk of sounding like I’m having a rant, I still decided to post this. This may sound a little arrogant but throughout my academic life I’ve done well in my exams (mashAllah) and maintained a good academic record. I try and do everything to the best of my ability. I get on well with people, whether as a team member or as the leader. I admit I am a bit of a perfectionist, perhaps bordering on being a bit obsessive at times, lol.

I think back to my first of year of uni and remember how I attended probably about 95% to 98% of all my lectures. I was so afraid I might miss something really important but I’m glad to say that this fear eventually died down in the following years. Over time, I developed my own style of learning that I was comfortable with as did my friends. In contrast, some of my year hardly ever turned up to lectures as they were busy enjoying what the student life had to offer. I guess everyone has their own way of learning and my point is that I’ve always tried to be the best that I can be and I know that there are many others like me.

Bearing that in mind, don’t you just hate when you give something your all and it still isn’t enough! I studied my arse off this work and just missed out on an A grade by a couple of percent! 2%! Now I know how that sounds but my god, I did everything that was expected of me and then some. I think I did more than was required as per usual, but this time I didn’t get the grade that I wanted. I went over and over it in my head and still couldn’t pinpoint where I could have improved! I know how arrogant this probably sounds, but honestly I’m not like that, lol. I’m not even sure why this got to me so much. I’ve calmed down since I received the mark, but I guess I just needed a place to vent so I don’t end up being all crazy about it, lol.

Right I’m done now :)

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