Thursday 20 July 2006

Graduation Day!

I can’t believe that the day of my graduation turned out to be the hottest day of the year! The fact that I had to wear a huge black robe was not good, lol!

My horoscope for today..."Grab that crazy idea that's been simmering in the back of your mind, because today is a day when the impossible is possible! Whatever windfall of money, attention or credibility you receive right now will provide the tipping point and pave the way for success. It's in your best interest to get involved with other people. Reach out and put on your best networking personality. Ask the people in power a lot of questions, and get yourself noticed. Things are in motion. ".... Hmm, yea well I'll be waiting!

The start of the day was panic as usual at my house! Aisha is still in hospital and although she’s recovered well from her chest infection mashAllah, she wasn’t due to be discharged until Thursday which is tomorrow. Mum and Dad got up early to go and see Aisha in the morning, whilst Billy and I were at home. Just as I was about to step into the shower, Saeed Mamoo and Abdullah came and Bilal decided to stop getting ready and started playing with Abdullah instead.

I knew my parents would be late as usual so I got ready earlier as I had to go and get registered at uni and collect my gown etc. Picked up Dina on the way and of course her family were also still getting ready (I think lateness is a common asian thing!) Got to uni and found a parking space quite quickly, which was quite surprising (3 years at uni and everyday was a struggle trying to find a decent space to park… my final day at uni arrives and all of a sudden it’s stress free parking… a bit ironic really). Got our robes and hats sorted (got laughed at by shiraz as I was adjusting my robes and also met a lot of parents (not random people but the parents of my class friends such as of Dee, Indi, Hafiza and a few others). Met up with the rest of the class outside the hall, Maria, Dee and a couple of other people from different courses (Mukhtar with literally his whole family having a family portrait taken… such a classic moment! I can’t believe they all fitted into one portrait! Still gobsmacked about that!)

How weird is it to finally be a graduate! Most of us had worn suits today plus with our robes over the top, we were practically being baked! Make up was also not a comfortable thing to be wearing today, lol! We then had to walk (very carefully seen as most of us had heels on… over the cobbled path) to the opposite end of the campus to the hall where the ceremony was being held. Had a bit of panic because the students had to go and be seated before the guests and my parents and little brother still hadn’t arrived and I couldn’t go until I showed them their seats. Dina also in similar panic. Finally my family arrived and I went and sat down in my seat next to Liz (Elizabeth), soon accepted the fact that the air conditioning was soo not working and also managed to panic a little when we then realised that we were up first as alphabetically our names were at the top of the list. Had a bit of a giggle when we saw our lecturers enter the hall in their ceremonial robes… especially Dr Harrington who looked um… err… different, lol! At 1.45pm in the Great Hall, the ceremony soon got started, apologises were made for no air conditioning (lol), speeches were made, apologises from Mr Imran Khan, as he was attending a cricket match in Headingly. Honestly some people! Actually I'm not that bothered to be honest as I got to meet him earlier on, lol.

Besides the man who gave me my degree was the vice chancellor Chris Taylor and I’m glad it was him, as he’s an extremely nice man and even managed to share a joke with me when I was up on stage (I was a bit nervous, but did manage to mumble something funny/sarcastic back in reply, which did make him chuckle… But I can’t for the life in me remember what he or I said … poor memory considering it was less that 24 hours ago!) So pleased that I managed to make it off the stage without falling over and smiled at my parents as I made my way back to my seat. Relaxed after that and clapped and cheered for everyone else as they came and went. I just realised that the second ceremony that took place after ours had a honorary graduate called Mr John Player… I saw him on my way out (you know that feeling when your a bit slow on the uptake?) and realised that it was my high school headteacher from the Grange Technology College. I didn’t get a chance to talk to him but I just thought how weird is it that he received his award on the same day as my degree?!

After the ceremony, mum and dad went and had something to drink seen as it was so hot! We decided to take the family portrait at a studio at a later date when Aisha comes out of hospital. Unfortunately mum and dad couldn’t stay for long as dad had to get to work and mum wanted to go back to the hospital to stay with Aisha. I wanted to stay for my group photo which was to take place at 3pm. After my family left, I spent the majority of my time drinking plenty of water to stop myself from passing out, seriously it was that hot! I spent my time catching up with lecturers and friends that I hadn’t seen for quite a while (and meeting their parents as well for the first time in 3 years… parents of my friends not the lecturers, lol!) A lot of posing going on for pictures today! Had a lot of fun (despite the sweltering heat!) and have plenty of pictures of the day, which will soon be uploaded onto my Flickr account.

It feels slightly weird that this group of people that I spent the majority of my day with for the past 3 years won’t be there from now on. I mean I know we will still take the time to keep in touch and meet up with each other every so often but it’s not the same as well basically living in each others pockets like we have done for the past 3 years! I’m just amazed at how quickly the time flies by, I mean it feels like yesterday that I just started uni and got used to being a uni student and the freedom and it’s all gone by in just the blink of an eye. I have truly loved every moment of it and have so many memories of my time at uni. I’ve done a lot of learning (I don’t just mean in my lectures) and all in all the experiences that I’ve had I feel have helped make me the person I am today. I intend to carry out some further study in the future inshAllah to further my career but even though I am sure I will enjoy that period of my life when the time comes, I know deep down that it won’t be same as those previous moments. I guess it’s true what they say about taking life each day at a time and enjoying and making the most of the it as best as you possibly can. I’ve included a poem that I got from Dee basically of the good times we’ve all had together.

As I sit here in class,

I observe my friends
And look forward to the year
Coming to an end.

It's gonna be sad
To say good- bye.
I'll miss everyone.
I know I will cry.

I remember the day
When I came back
To be with my friends
And get on the right track.

We had so many moments;
Some bad, most great.
I'll always remember the love
And erase the hate.

I don't wanna say good- bye
To all my friends
I don't want this year
To come to an end.

Some of the biomed group will be graduating this December either through personal choice or because of certain circumstances. So hopefully the rest of the girls and I will be joining them then, just like they came along today to celebrate the good times we’ve all had. University truly is a great experience and I would definitely recommend it everyone. I’ve some of the best times of my life during my years at uni and I hope there are many more to come, inshAllah!

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