Friday 7 July 2006

The Fallen

I was recently watching a rerun of a channel 4 documentary entitled “The Falling Man”. It was based on the September 11th attacks that took place in the USA in 2001. Although I wasn’t in the USA at the time or connected to anyone involved with the incident; I was actually quite surprised at how upset I got just by watching the documentary. Thoughts about all the people who had died and how their families must have felt at the time.

I had one of those flashback type moments to the day of the incident. September 11th, my 2nd week of life at sixth form… so excited and looking forward to fulfilling so many dreams and ambitions! I remember coming home early because I had a free period (Sorry…err study period) and switched on the TV to watch the lunchtime BBC news. I remember seeing scenes of the planes crashing into the tower and I initially thought that it was some scene from a movie that the public were probably so enraged by that it had made it onto the news. Then I realised that this was a reality and not some movie scene. I remembered the weeks after the incident… awkward to say the least. People were so much quieter and everyone watching and analysing each other, such an uncomfortable atmosphere. People just seemed so unsure of what to say or how to act around each other. Uncomfortable times for everyone in society and not just the followers of Islam. Even though certain things will never be the same again, communities were beginning to forget… well no not forget but forgive or something along those lines.

Unfortunately the London attacks that took place in July 2005 seemed to stir up the hatred and uneasiness again. Today is the anniversary of that unfortunate incident and seeing those same images on the news again was so sad. I can’t imagine how the families of those who died must feel everyday of their lives. Hopefully time will heal and things will begin to improve in the future, inshallah. It’s a shame that because of a few misled people in society, how they have created such unfortunate circumstances, how they have fallen. My love, thoughts and blessings to everyone out there.

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