Monday 17 July 2006

Graduation Ball!

Date and time: Friday 16th June 2006, 7pm onwards.
Venue: The Victoria Hotel, Bradford
Occasion: The Biomedical Sciences Graduation Ball!

What a fantastic night and I’m so glad that we decided to go! So pleased that most of the biomed girls turned up, shame about the boys but then that’s their loss. A big thank you to Li and the rest of em' for all their hard work and help in organising the ball and a special thanks to one of my best friends Meera for accompanying me to the ball. I'm definitely gate crashing Meera, Mahria and Zahida’s ball next year as it's a shame that we couldn’t spend our final year together. Although I had a fab time with the rest of the girls, I did have some of those moments where I really missed their company at uni or just having thoughts like that they would have really enjoyed this moment! (Memory: Meera and I in the uni refectory with a pack of cards, lol! God it annoyed the hell out of Mahria!)

Anyway back to the ball, the hall was decorated so nicely and the lecturers were all really relaxed and having a good time! It was nice to see a few familiar faces such as Isabella who had taken a year out to go on a placement. The DJ was great, however the food wasn’t as great as we would have liked. The starter was a posh version of a pizza with goats cheese (urgh!), the main course was either the veggie option of a mushroom risotto (I’ve never actually seen grey food until that night :P) or the non-veg option of halal chicken with a potato thing (the sauce was so rich that I think we were all feeling a bit sick after, lol!) The desert was a chocolate tart (Dark not milk but hey chocolate is chocolate after all, lol). Not meaning to complain but it gives me new meaning to the GGM sketch of wanting the blandest thing on the menu! The food was the only thing that was not quite right but it didn’t spoil the night one bit.

After dinner, the DJ started to get more comfortable, lecturers started to relax… with rather large amounts of alcohol and EVERYONE got up to dance. I think we all had a bit of a giggle when Dr Brinkworth became a bit too inebriated at one stage and began doing some kind of chicken dance, lol! Bless Dr Thornton as she stood by him whilst he did his um...“dancing”! During the dances Marya decided to go up to Professor Tobin to see if he would take a picture with Meera and I, which embarrassed us both to no end. We look so sheepish in the picture!
The night was followed by a lot of dancing students and drunken lecturers! Marya did however stop for a rest from dancing and as she put her scarf down on the table, she managed to burn it on the dinky little tea lights set in the middle of the table. I’ve never seen something burn so quickly! Marya was slightly hysterical but the girls managed to calm her down by um… well dancing a little more, lol! The PhD students also managed to set fire to their menu’s and so after that it was decided we should put out all the tea lights. Everyone had a great night, took loads of pictures and soon it was time to go home.

As we got off towards the cars, we saw some of the other biomed people outside. Apparently they had ditched the biomed ball for a party at the students union – shame on you! Anyway Dina and Iffat decided that they would stop off at the uni party to see what was going on whilst me and Meera stopped in the car. I think we might have been slightly overdressed for uni considering the number of looks we got. Finally Dina and Iffat decided to return and we all got home slightly late. Can’t wait till graduation day – hope it’s just as much fun! All in all a top night, from start to finish and a lot of pictures and memories to keep for ever! :)

A perfect quote from one of Dee’s emails…

"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!"

…and we most certainly did. So perfect for our night out! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you girls had a good time. Even if you were all drooling over yer manky old lecturers, lol!!!
