Saturday 9 October 2010

Sad Keanu meme

Before I begin this post, can I just say that my crush on Keanu Reeves is completely my cousin Imran’s fault. I mean I hadn’t even heard of the guy before my cousin lent me a DVD of ‘The Matrix’ which I sat down and watched with them. Still nothing! But then I watched it a second time to understand the story and something just clicked. I was 14 the first time I watched ‘The Matrix’ and now ten years later, I STILL have a crush on him. Other people have been and gone after him but he stills seems to be kind of hanging around I guess. I mean it’s not like I’m an obsessive fan, I just like watching his movies, even though other people give them really low reviews, lol. Okay, seriously I’m approaching my mid-twenties next year, so really I should stop this Keanu stuff now. Right?

Where was I? Oh yes, the point of this particular post. That same cousin posted this on my Facebook wall a few days ago and at first I didn’t get it so I googled it, lol.
The story goes that some paparazzo snapped a picture of Keanu Reeves, whilst he was sat on a bench eating a sandwich, alone. Certain people felt that he looked rather sad in this particular picture and decided to send messages to him, telling him to cheer up. Pretty soon the original picture of Keanu was then photo shopped into different scenes, some of which were really funny – the good kind of funny, not the bad.

More details can be found here.

Well firstly, I don’t think that Keanu Reeves really is sad to be honest. I mean we all have our ups and downs in life and yes Keanu Reeves has had a sad life, but come on… the guy was just having a sandwich on his own! Seriously how is that proof that he is depressed? Secondly, I smiled because upon seeing a ‘potentially sad’ picture of Keanu, his fans cared enough about him to try and change this situation, not that this would have direct effect on him! The point is I admit that he may not be the best actor out there, but despite being in Hollywood, he is a nice guy and people recognise that and feel connected somehow.

So yes some of the photo shopped pictures are pretty funny. No he’s probably not depressed but it’s nice that people care. Surely that is worth smiling about? Knowing that so many people care?

I replied to my cousin that it made me smile and he told me to check the link properly. It still brought a smile to my face. You’re probably wondering why do I like seeing my favourite actor sad, right?

Awww, bless him!

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