Tuesday 26 October 2010

Burrito anyone?

Imagine if you won a year’s supply of burritos at one of your favourite restaurants. You’d be happy right? I mean free food, what with the recession and all - you would be mad to miss this opportunity. Speaking of opportunities, would you think that free burritos would also provide you with the perfect dating scene? Not for you huh?

Meet James. He’s a 28 year old male. He lives in London. He’s single.

When James won a year’s supply of burritos, he thought to himself, why not share this gift with other people.... other people who happen to be single ladies that would be happy to go on a date with him in order to obtain their free burrito. Simple enough.

Except afterwards he would then rate how the date went, the atmosphere, rate you, your company and your burrito eating skills... and then post it up online for others to read and comment on, along with a picture of you taken during the date. I have to point out this was all agreed beforehand, so all the ladies knew what they were letting themselves in for.

It sounds horrible being rated online like that BUT (...and here is my guilty secret) it does make for a highly addictive read. I know I’m horrible, but I think it is a pretty creative project and definitely fun to follow. Honestly and I don’t even know the guy!

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