Wednesday 27 October 2010

Darwin dating? Since when?

I read an article in the Metro today which was advertising what an essentially a dating website for ‘ugly people’. In a society where everything is over policed and critically analysed these days, how on earth did this mange to slip through the net?
Those people that do sign up must be comfortable in their own skin but it raises issues of self confidence in my mind. Reading further on, the article describes how ‘Ugly Bugs’ (the dating wesbite) is a antidote to the popular ‘Darwin Dating’ – the dating website for beautiful people.

Again I ask, how was that allowed? Judging a book by its cover does not give you the whole story and personally I find objectifying people into distinct groups is a little unethical. I mean I’m not saying people don’t do it (as they quite clearly do!) but I don’t think we should be promoting it. The only thing in the article that did make me laugh was when I learned that the creator of the Darwin Dating website had his own profile reject by the site! Just deserts anyone?

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