Wednesday 4 November 2009

And so it begins...

Another year :) It's only been a month and I'm already amassing a collection of manuals, handbooks, readings lists and so forth .
Samia - who is Samia? I think you'll find it's SAIMA! :P
Honestly I'm not having a rant but personally, I reckon my name is pretty easy to remember. Part of me loves the different versions of my name (in terms of spelling/pronouncation) that people come up with; it makes for an interesting conversation. Just for future reference people, Saima/Sam/Simi/Saims is fine, Samantha/Susan is pushing it, Simon is a huge no, no. Are we all good now? lol :)
The best days of my life - I totally agree! :D
I can't decide whether the new uni logo (on the white envelope) looks better or the old one (on the brown envelope)?Caught unprepared on a visit to the library resulted in me having to get a library bag... in neon green! lol. And I had to pay... :(

Also it seems that the postgraduate society is keen to play matchmaker with fellow medics in the faculty. Here are a few excepts from some Facebook emails that I received, lol
Email 1:
We now have over 80 members, and are excited about the events to come! Which brings me to item 2: our next event, a Speed Dating/Meeting evening on 15 October. Come along to have a drink, and meet other postgrads for a quick flirt or friendly chat...Email 2:
We're getting a hot reply for the speed-dating, which is excellent, and thanks to everyone who has gotten back to us so far. I don't want to alarm the girls, but the RSVP count is unfairly balanced towards the fairer sex. So guys, the girls are up for it: what say you?...
Email 3:
Our next event, the Speed Dating/Meeting, will be held tomorrow, Thursday 15 Oct, at the Faversham Pub (on the rear side of campus), at 7pm until 10pm. Those of you who RSVPed before Monday will be given priority for the speed dating, but anyone else who would like to can (and should!) still come along for a drink just to meet others.
I know societies are pretty eager about keeping everyone well informed but it seems kind of pushy seen as I got the aforementioned emails (as well as few extra ones!) within a relatively short space of time. Also the excerpt from email 2, did make me laugh – “I don't want to alarm the girls, but the RSVP count is unfairly balanced towards the fairer sex”... Yea I totally believe that the organiser was having a minor panic attack when they realised that, lol. And just in case you're wondering - No I did not go ;)
Other good news, my external hard drive has finally arrived! Woohoo! I love getting packages from Amazon, lol. Also it'll avoid the whole 'Oh-my-god-my-laptop-has-had-a-meltdown-and-I-think-I-have-lost-all-my-data' drama. Usually accompanied by me having a minor panic attack a few months into my dissertation madness, closely followed by me running over to my cousins house clutching my laptop with a sad sad look on my face. I'm glad we can all laugh about it now though eh? :P

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