Friday 21 April 2006

Hands up - who the geek?

…And that would be me (I think). No one else in my tutorial laughed at this joke except me and few of the geeks. I guess that makes me a geek too.

Actually on second thoughts, the other guys were a bit hung-over and probably didn’t even know where they were, let alone understand the joke...

Yep I’ve thought about it... and I'm retracting my earlier “admission” :P

A rabbit goes into a bar and asks for a cheese toastie and a pint. He eats the toastie and drinks the pint, then leaves.
The next day he walks into the bar and asks for a ham toastie and a pint. He eats the toastie and drinks the pint, then leaves.
The following day the rabbit walks into the bar and asks for a cheese and ham toastie and a pint. He eats the toastie, drinks the pint, runs around the room for a bit then drops dead.
“Oh dear” says the bar-man, “It looks like another case of mixin' me toasties.”

Ok I should explain…mixin’ me toasties (harmless) Myxomatosis (harmful). Check out the definition in Wikipedia for clarification.
Geddit? It’s a play on words, lol. Wait why are you not laughing? It’s funny cos it’s… aww forget it!