Saturday 7 February 2009

Britain can’t cope with snow?!

My snow covered garden

Yes shocking I know. A country commonly associated rather gloomy weather (where snow is seen as a given…) discovers that it can’t actually deal with consistent snowfall. To be fair, over the past decade or so, we’ve not had much snow – probably due to global warming – and so we’ve not really thought about it much. Therefore as snow started following on Sunday 2nd February, we just assumed that there wouldn’t be much. Roll around Monday morning and everyone was taken aback.

Now usually it’s the north that gets the worst of it, but this time it was the south of the UK that got taken by surprise. The roads were not gritted and blocked by numerous car accidents, people couldn’t get to work due to lack of public transport, flights were delayed from most London airports, schools were shut and so parents stayed home… basically it was chaos! For the first time ever, public transport in London came to a standstill. As the week has progressed, we’ve found ourselves facing depleted stocks of grit for our roads further adding to our transportation problems. Experts reckon that with all the people being off work, it has had an adverse effect on our economy, whilst hospital A&E departments are struggling to keep with increased numbers of patients – mostly being told to rest and drink plenty fluids. The snow is expected to stay until next Monday, but I’m guessing that the novelty of snow will soon wear off for most people.

On bright side, due to the weather Dad took the day off work, Billy’s school was closed, I was off from uni and mum did her usual cooking/ baking thing… all my family were at home together :) We played in the snow till our hearts were content, Bilal and I building an army of snowmen, which looked rather sinister in the dark, lol. It must be the child within me, but I do actually like snow and by that I mean proper snow, not the horrible slushy grey stuff that we usually get. It has this amazing ability to cover everything in sight making it seem clean and bright. Even the ugliest thing when covered with a blanket of snow makes everything seem so much prettier. Just thought I’d share some pictures of my snow - man/woman/people? building attempts… I have to say they are rather erm… unique, lol.


  1. Britain falling apart from a few flecks of snow, lol

  2. You call that a snowman?!
