Tuesday 10 February 2009

25 things

Another product of Facebook. 25 random things about me...

1. I love my family and friends. I mean they can be trying at times but who isn’t.

2. My favourite flavours are mint and orange (separately)

3. I love cooking, especially baking as I find it relaxing... but not when it is panic induced. I’m quite good at domestic stuff... although my mum will never agree – we work in different ways :P

4. I can’t work in a messy environment and as a result I have developed a cleaning obsession similar to Monica (from Friends). Ok slight exaggeration perhaps?

5. I love medicine/ science and techy stuff – honest!

6. My all time favourite teacher (who kind of inspired my medical career choice) is my biology teacher – Mr Parkinson.

7. Ambitious and determined, I have many plans and goals that I hope to achieve (iA). Whether it’s in my fate that they work out or not is a different matter.

8. I’m a bit of a prankster at university

9. People describe me as cute even though I’m no longer in high school.

10. I see dead people. No, really I do! Regularly. In the hospital lab.

11. I love going on long drives as it gives me a chance to clear my mind. Which reminds me I almost killed a rabbit once. Rabbit survived, car died! ;(

12. I love travelling and have a huge list of place I would like to go and see.

13. I can be a little sensitive sometimes. People can say hurtful things, but I never respond. I just hate confronting people as I believe it’s nice to be nice.

14. Losing someone close to you is the most awful thing to go through and overtime I’ve realised you never really get over it.

15. Most people I meet tend to love my Yorkshire accent. I mean if it’s not from Yorkshire it’s _ _ _ _ (fill in your own choice word ;)

16. I can be a little sarcastic at times (!) – some may say that is an understatement!

17. I love to sing and dance (in private!)

18. I practise ju-jitsu... not telling you what belt though.

19. My favourite sports to play are volleyball and netball.

20. I’ve kept a diary since secondary school (about 10/11 years old) and now I can’t bear to throw them away as there are far too many memories in them. Also the first flower I ever received from a guy is dried and pressed between the pages of my first diary.

21. Apparently I have a ‘type’... or so my friends tell me. Personally I don’t believe them but I do look back and laugh at my choices.

22. Major Keanu Reeves fan :D Ok. So he can’t act as well as the others but so what? He’s pretty :) Also Shahid Kapoor is very pretty as well ;) Yes I know I’m a shallow person ;)

23. My favourite Hollywood movie is The Matrix (for obvious reasons). Bollywood it would have to be split between Veer-Zara/K3G (good family movies) and Jab we met (Shahid Kapoor). Lol.

24. I would like to have twins as it would help towards the optimum family number I have in my head. Also how cute would it be dress them identically, imagine the fun they would have?! (Ok, I’ll stop now)

25. My ultimate aim – a simple happy life, loving hubby, successful career, 4 kids (2 boys and 2 girls) and a fabulous house (ameen). Err, not asking for much then, eh?


  1. #16 - a little sarcastic?!
    #20 - ah, I wonder what the diaries of a young Saima would be like? :P
    #21 - feel free to share
    #22 - disappointing

  2. You do ju-jitsu? Damn.

  3. You may be a prankster but I'm the *master* prankster! HAHA!

  4. Witnessed number 4. And I thought I was bad.lol
