Sunday 4 January 2009

The New Doctor!

I remember seeing the old Dr Who series when I was a young child and it scared me a lot, thinking about it now though, those old versions of the Daleks do NOT look scary at all, in fact they look quite funny, lol. Therefore a couple of years back when they set about reviving the old programme, I wasn’t that bothered to be honest. Christopher Eccleston was the man chosen to play the Dr with Billy Piper (Girl with the song “Because we want to!” lol) as his assistant. I watched a few episodes and thought that they were brilliantly produced with excellent storylines but I wasn’t that interested about watching it on a regular basis. Then Christopher Eccleston decided to leave the show and the papers went mad speculating about who would be the new doctor. Inevitably I started to wonder as well and soon David Tennant was announced as the new doctor. And so with many others, I tuned in to watch his first episode out of sheer curiosity... and I LOVED it! LOL.

David Tennant was such a unique doctor and I have to say I prefer him a lot more than Eccleston. I loved this new doctor could switch from comedy to geeky nerd to caring humanitarian, all beautifully and flawlessly conveyed (err, do I sound a bit biased? Hehe). Plus the chemistry that he had on screen with Billy Piper was fantastic and I think they made a better pairing than Eccleston and Piper. That’s not to say Eccleston wasn’t good, as his acting abilities were excellent as well... it just that I preferred this version of the doctor more! I started watching the show on a regular basis and even the back stage commentaries where I discovered that David Tennant has a lovely Scottish accent :P (Yes I am aware of how sad I sound).

I loved the addition of new characters, John Barrowman as Captain Jack was especially fabulous and the spin off Torchwood series was good. I loved the fact that the doctor was truly in love with Rose (Billy Piper) and she wasn’t just another assistant, it was fun seeing the two of them share their adventures together. I cried (a lot) when Rose got trapped in another parallel universe so the doctor and Rose could never meet again thus their love story was cut short. With a broken hearted doctor, I eventually welcomed Martha Jones as the new assistant - even though I was annoyed that she was trying to take Rose’s place (do I sound obsessed much?! lol!). I was shell shocked when another Time lord was discovered, who was soo evil that he tried to kill the doctor and destroy the world. Thankfully Martha was around to save the day (I'm starting to like her now, can you tell? :P). Later with Martha's depature, I was saddened to see the doctor alone once again but was pleased when he found his new assistant in the form of Donna Noble. Funny moments followed, as well as surprises (i.e. the doctor had a daughter), Donna helped save the world (Bloody daleks, you can never get rid of em’) and it was nice to see that Donna was a genuine friend that the doctor could rely on.

So in 2008, when David Tennant announced he was leaving I was genuinely saddened! And once again the papers went mad speculating on who be the new doctor; would it be a prominent black actor, a woman perhaps? Secretly I wished Tennant would think he had made a mistake, change his mind and rejoin, lol. But no after the promise of four special episodes to last us till 2010, David Tennant was gone. The first of the specials was aired on Christmas day followed by an announcement of who would be the new doctor... presenting Matt Smith! Ta da! Don’t know who he is? Yea me neither. But then again I hadn’t really heard of David Tennant before Dr Who. Matt Smith ... he has um floppy hair. That is all I know! Oh I so hope he is a good doctor... even though I have a soft spot for David Tennant :P

The doctor: David Tennant Vs Matt Smith

Any excuse to show a picture of David Tennant! :P


    Pretty cool artwork for Dr Who's assistants aka companions

  2. Looking forward to the new series :)

  3. :-O Traitor! I thought you were a DT fan, lol
