Sunday 24 June 2007

White vans

White vans – everyone loves em’ don’t they? They definitely make my journeys more interesting, lol. Vans that try to run me off the road - always fun. They always have a number on the back asking “How am I driving?”, well not very well usually... you just tried to run me off the road. The funny slogans written on in the dirt always make me giggle. Some more funny than others, some are just plain rude.

The white van man himself can be an evil guy that tries to potentially kill you. Sleazy guys that make lewd comments/ offer sweets as you try to get from one end of the campus to another –sweets?! What am I, 5 years old? Or extremely lovely guys that let you pull out into the road and do karaoke in the driver’s seat oblivious to the world around them. The karaoke drivers are my favourite, lol :)

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