Monday 2 July 2007


I’ve been reading a lot of books lately ranging from sci-fi and chit-lit novels to autobiographies and real life events. It’s probably still that mindset I have of constantly reading textbooks and literature related to my degree. Even though I’m on a break from uni, I still have the need to read something and improve my knowledge. I’ve found that I’ve become a regular borrower at the central library and we’ve even got a little book club going on at work, lol.

During uni, I’ve not had much time to read a lot of novels, but this time off has helped me re-discover how enjoyable it is just to be able to sit down and read a good book. Just the satisfaction you get from turning the pages and actually using your imagination to recreate the story in your mind. Personally I think it’s a much more satisfying experience than perhaps spending your entire free time sitting in front of your TV.

And yet more and more literature is being made available online. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for developing technology and by using online resources; we’re using less paper, saving the environment and so on. Yet the feeling of actually being able to hold a book and turn the pages, well personally I think it’s better than reading online. Also it’s definitely less of a strain on my eyes, lol. Maybe someone needs to invent an electronic book of some kind than can be folded and treated like a normal book, yet allowing different books can be uploaded thus saving precious resources. Any ideas?

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