Sunday 31 August 2008

Alton Towers

Getting all the family together is always a hassle and we decided that enough is enough! A girl’s only trip was planned as we were all off from school/uni, I took a holiday from work (what? I was celebrating going back to uni!) and we were having fabulous summer weather for once.

Friday 29th August; Saaiba, Sara, Saba and I, all off to Staffordshire for a well deserved, fun filled day. The weather was fab, our tickets were sorted, we had parental approval (lol)... we were prepared! And so we set off at 9am for our 4 hour ride to get there in Saba’s little Polo. After a car journey that consisted of awful signing from the back of the car (Sara and Saaiba I’m joking... or am I? lol), constant chattering, gossiping, eating junk food, Saba pleading with her car to go faster and the TomTom woman confusing us near the end of our journey, we finally arrived, Woohoo!!! Saba then proceeded to upset one of the parking attendants, which was hilarious. Alton towers was extremely busy to say the least and after memorising where we had parked our car, we boarded the train to take us from the car park to the theme park. On the train, Saaiba managed to cause panic amongst the other passengers:

Saaiba: On seeing a particular ride... “Oooh! That's such a bad ride. We have to go on it! People have died on that ride!!!”

Saima, Saba and Sara all looking very concerned. The other people in the train compartment looking VERY panicky...

Me: Um... when u say died...?
Saaiba: Oh I don't know if anyone ACTUALLY died... but it's bad ass ride!
BIG sighs of relief all round and a fit of uncontrollable giggles from us 4 followed...

Picked up our tickets (which were bloody expensive), got our maps and planned our day as to which rides we were gonna go first. Sara had a bit of a panic about getting on the rides, but after forcing her to go on Nemesis (I know I should know better), she got over her fear and was bouncing around, lol. Tip: traditional asian parenting – if your kids are afraid of something you push them further to go and do it, lol – face your fear kids... except in this case Sara’s my sister and not my child :P

After going on all the fast rides first, we had dinner at Pizza Hut (yes we planned ahead!) and off we went to the wet rides – the river rapids. Needless to say, we got very very wet and the water looked a bit suspect; I know a microbiology kit would confirm my doubts! Us girls have practically known each other our whole lives and yet we learnt even more things about each other during our day out. I learnt that Saba is easily sucked in as she became addicted to gambling for a little while in her quest to win a cuddly toy :) I learnt that Saaiba and Sara combined have awful hand eye co-ordination when it comes to throwing a ball, lol and I discovered that as well loving all the fast rides; I also have a soft spot for the teacup ride, you know the one that spins round and round. Saba thinks this makes me sad and old... this may be true, but then again with her being 2 years younger than me she won’t have long to go before she’s also the same, mwha ha ha ha! We’ll all be sad and old together, lol.

To conclude; a beautiful day, plenty of stupid jokes and amusing incidents (always guaranteed when we’re together!), loads of pictures, lots of fun and great company as always :) Sara even made up her own Facebook group about it, lol. I’m glad we went even though I had to persuade/threaten some people to go... ahem you know who you are, lol! It’s funny how the older two (Saba and I) had to sell the idea of going to Alton Towers to the younger ones and yet they KNOW they enjoyed it as much as us... maybe even more so! Come on girls... it’s Alton Towers! lol!

So when’s the next trip I wonder? ;)