Friday 27 June 2008

Desi Weddings

We’ve all been there! And I have had more than my fair share of weddings to attend this summer... so much so that I’m now confused about who married who :P I actually like weddings as it’s nice to see a couple being united in front of their loved ones, promising to spend their lives together through the good and the bad. It’s also a chance for the girls to get dressed up as no one is in danger of looking over the top at a wedding and also time to have a good catch up with family members that you haven’t seen for a while.

However at the same time; these weddings scenarios also serve a much more sinister purpose. Ok so it doesn’t happen so much at my own close family weddings; or maybe it does and I have just been extremely naive! But where else would you be able to gather all the unwed, eligible desi singles in one area making it easier for the older members of the community to search for the perfect life partner for their son/daughter/niece/nephew/grandchild. You find yourself retelling every auntie/uncle what you’re up to these days, what level your educated to, how much you earn... seriously you might as well hand out your CV; it is so much easier.

Making conversation is potentially dangerous as I observed at a friend’s wedding. Girls WILL comment on your outfit, no matter how nice you may be. The elder generation plus most married couples WILL try and set up with what they think is the perfect person for you. Making polite conversation with anyone (especially someone of the opposite sex), WILL get the rumour mill started. It may even lead to related people mentally planning your wedding in their heads, whilst all you've done is exchange pleasantries and discussed the weather!

I would like to point out that my mother, father and brother were present at these weddings and it was particularly amusing for my mother. After getting after flustered by all these unwritten rules, I sat down to admire the beautiful table decorations, can’t get into trouble for that right? Wrong! I got cornered by the bride’s mother... “Saima beta, why aren’t you mingling with the other guests, you’re supposed to be the bride’s best friend! Come on get up and help me out, jaan” and with that auntie smiled and deposited me back into the throng of people in the main hall (eek!)

At the end of the night, my friend asked me had I enjoyed the wedding and I said I had truly enjoyed the occasion and gained an education as well, to which she laughed. She said it was my responsibility to go and warn the others out there, lol. So here I am... spreading the word! :P

1 comment:

  1. Ah asian weddings - urs will be no different ;)
