Wednesday 25 June 2008

I killed my car!!!

Sadness :(

Waah!!! Wednesday 11th June 2008; I still can’t believe it, I killed my car! Still a bit shocked as to how it all happened but mostly I’m heartbroken. Ok so it wasn’t a Ferrari or anything like that. But it was my first ever car, my baby, always reliable. And then I killed it. I’m having serious guilt issues. Definitely not helped by my father constantly reminding how good a car it was! And it was indeed!

I loved the fact that it was big enough to fit all my friends/ family members/ whoever I was chauffeuring comfortably and yet small enough to fit into tight parking spaces. It NEVER broke down, I loved the colour, I kept it clean. Basically I loved it and then it left me. Such a sad end! Collecting my belongings from my car was an experience and not something I want to do again. The picture I've posted doesn’t fully describe the damage I caused but it’s a start. My mum and other family constantly remind me how lucky I am that no one else was involved in the accident and that I survived without a scratch on me. Ok that last one is a bit of a lie... I had quite a few cuts and scratches, lost of lovely looking bruises over my body (most were in a seatbelt shaped pattern, thank god I was wearing one!), stiff neck, a sore and angry looking shoulder (where the blood vessels had burst) and a lovely swollen knee that I had smashed against the dashboard on the moment of impact. The point is I’m alive and I’ve seen people much worse than me being treated at the hospital after various RTA’s. I’m extremely thankful that no one else is involved and it definitely taught me a lesson or two. You live and you learn :)

I’ve spent the last two weeks off sick from work, as hobbling (due to my dodgy knee) doesn’t really fit in with my daily routine at work. I also haven’t driven for two weeks, partly as I don’t have a car and partly as I have such horrible memories of my last trip. Family keep pushing me to get driving as soon as possible or the fear will begin to build and hold me back. I will get round to it... just not right now. On the bright side, I received my new Sony laptop that I ordered a few weeks ago, which is great since I’m holed up at home at the moment. Not sure if it’s a fair trade for my car though, lol. P.S. If anyone feels the need to buy me a new car, please don’t hesitate. I like silver cars best, preferably a four door :P


  1. Oh my god Sam, hope you are ok?

  2. OMG! Look what you've done to the car!

  3. Women drivers *rolls eyes* ;)
