Tuesday 24 June 2008

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

My friends think I have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). I think I have OCD. Do you think I have OCD?

1) My textbooks are arranged in a specific order. I can tell when someone has moved something around and can’t rest until it’s returned to its’ “rightful” place. I’ve even arranged my little brother’s bookshelf according to height order!
2) My clothes are folded in a certain way and my shoes, even my jewellery are arranged in an order that only I know. If anything ever gets moved I know about, lol. Basically everything in my room has its’ place.
3) Errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation annoy me… I usually end up correcting my own work but refrain from correcting others as I fear that I may offend them.
4) My lecture notes, documents etc are organized in proper files, according to date and subject matter. Usually write rough notes in lectures and then neatly re –write them for easy referencing.
5) When working on my laptop, the programs have to be opened in a particular order and all the icons are in parallel lines. It bugs me until I correct it. Also if I delete something, I can’t leave it in my recycle bin/ email trash can for long, it has to be cleared, lol.
6) Been nicknamed Monica by quite a few people, mostly friends and family. I can’t stand clutter and won’t rest until everything is in its’ proper place. Everything in each room in my house has its’ place… whether anyone else knows about it or not is another matter!
7) Toothpaste tubes, shampoo bottles etc… I can’t stand it the gooey mess around the caps/ bottles.
8) Recycling old magazines/ newspapers have to be put neatly in piles (in size order) and then placed carefully into the recycle bin.
9) Before starting to cook, the kitchen has to be clean with everything in order i.e. no dishes in the sink or bottles/jars out of place. The dishes have to be done in a certain order i.e. glasses first, plates next - in size order, utensils follow and last are the big pots and pans. Also I have to clean the kitchen before I go to bed.
10) Getting up in the morning and going to sleep, I follow a certain order on how I do things i.e. applying make up, how I make my bed etc. Just a force of habit.
11) Before going to bed I have to check all the doors and windows… even though my mum or dad will probably have done this before me.
12) Can’t sleep unless the curtains are closed properly… I don’t like the dark.
13) Upon opening a packet of crisps or some other snack, I will always eat the small broken one’s first and leave the big ones for my little brother, mother or whoever is around.
14) Hate being unprepared. I have a first aid kit in the back of my car… just in case.
15) Good manners – still write thank you notes/emails and feel really really bad if I forget to reply to someone.
16) Using public bathrooms is something I avoid, but when I do use em’, I have to use tissue to open the door etc.

Think I need help? lol. Please feel free to share you OCD tendencies… hopefully I am not alone!


  1. Helloooo Monica ;)

  2. lol. Aww don't worry we all still love you :)
