Friday 8 December 2006

Billy’s nativity play

It’s that time of year again. Uh oh… or should that be ho ho ho? Sorry I just couldn’t resist the stupidity of it :)

God I remember my school plays, we all got divided into these groups somehow-
1) Can’t be arsed – got roles that weren’t too demanding
2) Goody 2 shoes – always got the good parts
3) Behind the scenes – didn’t require any roles, just liked being in charge
4) Extras – All the misfits who had to do something cos the school policy didn’t allow otherwise, lol.

I usually fell into the category of behind the scenes as I loved to help (come on… it was time off from school lessons) plus I didn’t like the feeling of being up on stage and being watched by a roomful of strangers. I’ve never been to a nativity play, well except my own school plays – I had to be there; it was mandatory! So this year on the day of my little brother’s play, mum was busy at home and as I had the day off I was asked to go instead. I’ll be honest, the idea didn’t have me jumping for joy at first but Bilal seemed really excited about the whole thing what with all his practising this past week, so I decided I might as well. Plus the alternative was daytime TV and it’s not like I’m missing much there. So that’s how I found my self in the school hall, on my day off, surrounded by parents armed with camcorders ready to give the death stare to anyone who got in their way and ruined the camera shot - terrifying?! Hell yes!

The play was actually very good, some funny moments were had, the singing was lovely and they remembered most of their words. Watching the play, I realised my brother Billy falls into the category of “can’t be arsed” as in he has the enthusiasm and is quite good mashAllah but can’t be bothered to put it to good use. Billy was in the front row, singing his little heart out and much to my amusement, swaying along to the music. Particularly made more funny by the fact that none of the other kids had moved a muscle. No seriously, the other kids were stood rigid with only their mouths moving and some weren’t even making an effort to do that! Whilst in contrast Bilal, was having a little dance party of his own. Bless him! He kept smiling in my direction and I thought he was pleased to see me. I then realised that my dad had come to see Billy’s play and was stood behind me – basically the little dance was to impress dad, Bilal the weirdo! Anyway dad left early for work and I stayed behind to speak to Bilal and say kind words of reassurance etc and how good he was and so forth.

Instead of Bilal being the normal “silly billy” as in previous school encounters, Billy was now acting like he owned the school and showing off to his friends. He wasn’t too cocky with me though as he knew he’d get a right lecture at home and so stayed just on the right side of cheekiness… clever boy, lol. I’m actually quite surprised in this sudden change in Bilal in this last year or so; not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Anyway pictures up on flickr soon.

1 comment:

  1. aww I love ur little brother. Soooo cute!
