Wednesday 26 April 2006

My Observations

Just finished a hospital placement and wow did I learn a lot of things! Genuinely impressed by some things and some things have just left me aghast! Why is it that sometimes some doctors always think they know best and completely disregard what the patient may be trying to tell them? I understand that the medics may not have the luxury of time, whereas as I’m a still a student and so the same circumstances do not apply to me. Yet. Sometimes just spending time with patients may actually help to reveal their true symptoms and the correct course of treatment. I found it surprising that quite a few patients don’t actually understand their condition, whether through language problems or just a lack of information or understanding. This results in the patient not taking proper care of themselves and consequently never really improving their condition. Rather than just labelling a patient as being difficult, a little spot of “health literacy” might improve the situation significantly; however time and resources always seem to be an issue.

Equally sometimes I think that doctors try too hard to help a patient. As a doctor your duty is to help people but sometimes it’s hard for them to accept that their help is unwanted and perhaps not needed as it may be misconstrued as meddling. But what is it that makes helping a person cross over into meddling in their lives? At the same time, the guidance that they do provide sometimes goes unappreciated and it can get to them. No one really understands how hard they work, how it’s hard to switch off at the end of a day. I may only just be observing but my god some of things I’ve seen do really stay with you even after you’ve finished for the day. Unappreciated, tired ALL the time, people are not respectful let alone grateful, you have no social life... I could go on. I mean I can totally understand how sometimes people just get fed up of being a doctor. But at the same time I’m grateful that those people come back in the next day and do it all over again.

And so onto my other experiences…

My first time observing an autopsy and well I can report that I remained on my feet throughout… which is more that I can say for some people, lol. It was an interesting experience but seeing another human being on the table like that, well it really makes you appreciate how delicate life is. Something I can still vividly remember is the smell during autopsy and let me tell ya, that’s not a good thing :( Observing on rounds, I’ve found that’s it is highly frustrating when patients don’t tell you their diagnosis and I don’t mean verbally. At university when you study an illness, the theory is followed up by doing case studies that seem to have a handful of clues sprinkled about, steering you towards the right conclusion. This sooo does not happen in real life, patients are most definitely not textbook examples. No one ever seems to be a perfect patient, with all their appropriate symptoms present and accounted for on your imaginary checklist. Point to note; going from patient to patient without washing your hands – bad! Basic training at university, we’re told to always wash our hands, regardless of whether you’re the doctor, patient or just a visitor. Something so simple yet effective. And yet whilst at the hospital, there are still so many people that forget to do it or purposely don’t do it. And they always have an excuse to hand (no pun intended :P ) – the sink/ hand rub is too far away or you don’t like the smell of alcohol etc.

Humour on the wards can be a right laugh and actually cheers people up - used in the right context that is. I suppose some people use it as a shield against all the bad stuff. For the medics, sometimes using witty remarks actually makes bad news easier to bear, I guess. And that leads me onto another observation of mine; about how close the medical lot really are. They all have their in- jokes and secrets and have such a strong bond with each other. Whether they’re trying to get with the times and be more tech savvy in the work place, dealing with difficult patients, the long hours that they all work together; I guess that all comes with the territory. Proper teamwork and it really does work. And I look forward to being part of it one day! So in conclusion, I for one am grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to meet such committed doctors. Despite all the crap things that the doctors pointed out, I’m still eager to become a medic and I think that amused a couple of them. At the same I think they were secretly impressed and I got a few comments of “glutton for punishment” etc accompanied with a wink and a smile :) Good times!


Whilst returning from a rather interesting hospital placement…

Me: Oh my god. Can you believe that place, those people?
Friend: That was unreal. Some people are well arrogant.
Me: I can’t wait till I graduate. God I hope I’m not all cynical and hard hearted by the time that happens!
Friend: Nah we’ll be different. I mean good different.
Me: Wonder what it’s like to be a highly regarded scientist/clinician?
Friend: Amazing I bet. I would totally kill for a Nobel peace prize!
Me: Err… that sort of defies the point don’t ya think?
Friend: Huh?

Monday 24 April 2006

A new category - Letters

Do you ever get into those situations where you have something that needs to be said to someone but it just doesn’t happen?

Thus this new category... letters that I couldn’t or wouldn’t ever post.

Friday 21 April 2006

Hands up - who the geek?

…And that would be me (I think). No one else in my tutorial laughed at this joke except me and few of the geeks. I guess that makes me a geek too.

Actually on second thoughts, the other guys were a bit hung-over and probably didn’t even know where they were, let alone understand the joke...

Yep I’ve thought about it... and I'm retracting my earlier “admission” :P

A rabbit goes into a bar and asks for a cheese toastie and a pint. He eats the toastie and drinks the pint, then leaves.
The next day he walks into the bar and asks for a ham toastie and a pint. He eats the toastie and drinks the pint, then leaves.
The following day the rabbit walks into the bar and asks for a cheese and ham toastie and a pint. He eats the toastie, drinks the pint, runs around the room for a bit then drops dead.
“Oh dear” says the bar-man, “It looks like another case of mixin' me toasties.”

Ok I should explain…mixin’ me toasties (harmless) Myxomatosis (harmful). Check out the definition in Wikipedia for clarification.
Geddit? It’s a play on words, lol. Wait why are you not laughing? It’s funny cos it’s… aww forget it!

Sunday 16 April 2006

The Fashion Show

The show took place a day after April fools! Decided not to play tricks this year due to the unfortunate incidents of last year what with the mass text msg that was sent and various incidents in the laboratories etc. Sorry about that by the way … if any of the others do ever this read this. It’s all in the past now… Only a couple more months left of the semester! lol! Anyway the fashion show was sponsored by the local Telegraph and Argus paper and many of the Asian boutiques in Bradford. There was such a good turn out.

The Venue: The Asian Bridal Fashion show at The Hilton Hotel, Bradford
Date and Time: Sunday 2nd April 2006 from 1pm till 5pm, Show began at 3pm!

Despite the fact that I’m not actually getting married I still went and had such a great time. I was accompanied by one of my best mates Meera (who’ll hopefully have wedding bells ringing in the not too distant future, InshAllah) Went round some of the stalls after the show just for a bit of a chat and see what they had to offer. Meera pointed out that most of the people we spoke to assumed I was the bride, which made me highly paranoid! I didn’t point this out to the stall owners as I felt it would be rude so I just went with the flow much to Meera’s amusement. Ended up in a few funny situations and got quite a few discounts, which would be useful if I actually was getting married! I was fortunate enough to take some great pictures (see photo album) and at the beginning of this week I decided to take up some of the offers made by the people on the stalls. I went to some of the boutiques to see the clothes range they had. Ayesha’s collection in particular was really nice and the shop owners were really friendly and helpful. Went to “Dhoom” and again the nice but weird man assumed I was the bride much to my mother’s amusement. Promptly corrected the man before my mum got thinking. Potentially dangerous situation, even more so now that Sana’s leaving!

Got home in the afternoon to find uncle yasin, aunty ann and aishah baji and kids had come over to visit. Aisha baji wanted me to give her directions to whiteabbey road but got confused so I decide it would be easier just to show her. Weather was awful, constantly raining! Baji ended up buying a nice light green suit for the main wedding day and had a golden coloured lengha saved for the mendhi. So that’s most of her clothes sorted for Sana’s wedding. Me as well as the other bridesmaids haven’t been out shopping yet and so as a result have got naff all! How reassuring! Still we have until July!

Friday 14 April 2006


Funny things I remember about good old Halifax…
  • People from far away think you live in a bank or get you confused with some place in Canada.
  • You get confused when Kings Cross the train station in London is mentioned.
  • You didn’t know what Dean Clough was but knew it was something important.
  • You mention Halifax to people and most will say that they’ve been to Eureka. Secretly you still love playing there no matter how old you are.
  • Residents of Halifax always seem to always know someone who works at the main Halifax Building Society.
  • At some point in your life, you’ve tried to a) run up the sloping concrete outside the main Halifax building (lol) and b) thought that if you went inside you’d be able to find Howard off the adverts.
  • You whinge about there not being enough good shops in Halifax and that every other shop is a charity shop, bargain shop or empty. You’re still waiting for them to build a huge shopping complex somewhere.
  • When you were little, going to Woolworths was the highlight of your week. When Woolworths closed it was like losing a very good friend.
  • You find that the "Woolshops" don’t actually seem to sell any wool whatsoever.
  • It may well be a historical place but you KNOW that the piece hall is full of outcasts and emos.
  • You still remember the odd smell of the Westgate market.
  • You always went to Shibden Park for a day out and secretly thought about jumping off the little train whilst it was still moving.
  • The train station has been a collection of scaffolding for as long as you can remember.
  • The huge Nestle Chocolate factory that you passed by every time you went in or out of the town.
  • The building work at the Shay has been going on for forever and you’re still not sure if it’s finished yet.
  • If by chance the Halifax town are playing well and you go to see em’, you get blasted by all the loyal fans.
  • When in high school, you used to think it was cool to sneak into the annual fair at Saville Park
  • Accents. You ignore the H in Halifax, pronounce Bradford as "Bratfed", have heated debates about whether it's Savile Park MORE or MOOOOER and get annoyed when southerners say “Sourbee” Bridge.
  • At the end of the school day, you’d watch the kids from Exceley High school make their way back down into Siddal and it’d remind you of a pack of greenflies descending upon the town.
  • If you went to The Brooksbank School, you were supposed to hate Rastrick high school, Trinity hated Kaddy high and so on.
  • People were convinced that everyone who went to North Halifax or Crossleys was posh.
  • You are scared of the word “Mixenden” and legged it if you heard someone went to the “Ridings”
  • You would rather go to college in Huddersfield that stay on at your sixth form.
  • You used to wait ages for your bus to turn up but there was always a 522 bus going past every minute.
  • If you went to Brooksbank , you remember the 279 bus and all the shenanigans that went on. Plus the walk up Jubilee road to get home from school… it was a tough walk!
  • You know what TJ Walsh is, lol.
  • Gibbet Street was the asian bit of town and the call to prayer was the wakeup call for most people.
  • Asian guys from Gibbet street, with their pimped out cars. Enough said.
  • You only have to walk through town to realise that there are so many freaks in this place
  • On Facebook, most of your friends from Halifax have Leeds as their network.

Final find yourself complaining about Halifax all the bloody time… but then you miss it like crazy when you leave.

Wednesday 12 April 2006

The 80’s

Apparently if you grew up in the late 80’s early 90’s (which I did) then this list will apply to you. These lists never reply work for me, but some reason this one did.. well most of it did. My answers are in green and I wrote pass on the ones that didn't apply to me. So you know you grew up in the 80’s when...
1. You used to buy cassette singles… and still have some stashed somewhere…
Yep I did, and still have them safely tucked away in a cupboard :)
2. You can sing the rap to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and can do the Carlton

*Whispers* Yes, yes I can
3. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy.

4. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a club of your own.

I know what the Baby-sitters club is but I never wanted to be in one, so pass.
5. You owned those lil' Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls (or your sister did).

6. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom

7. Two words: Hammer Pants

Ok I saw those on TV
8. You watched "Fraggle Rock".

9. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars... and spokey-dokies or playing cards on your spokes for that incredible sound effect

Pass. I never got the hang of riding a bike. I know, I know... Oh the shame!
10. You watched "Duck Tales" (Woo ooh!)

Yea I did.
11. It was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

Yep. Live & Kicking with Zoe Ball and Jamie Theakston and The Saturday Show.
12. You (your sister, cousins) wore a ponytail on the side of your head.

Not me personally, but my cousin's did, lol at Saba and Sara.
13. You saw the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen..and still know the turtles names.
Yes, but only because my guy cousins were obssessed with it. So there was Michealo angelo, Donatello, Rafeial, Leonardo. Can't remember what the rat leader was called but the reporter was April.
14. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.

Err, no. Pass
16. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it.

Thankfully, no. Pass
17. L.A. Gear....need I say more?

18. You remember reading Tales of a fourth grade nothing and all the other Judy Blume books.

Yep I do :)
19. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"

Ah Mister Miaagi from the Karate kid :)
20. You wanted to be a Goonie.

21. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of us...head-to-toe)

Urgh, pass
22. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off and his cheeks shifted.

Yes I can.
23. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.

Err, yes I did actually
24. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.

Lol, yep!
25. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence.

I still do sometimes. Shame!
26. You remember Hypercolor t-shirts.

Yes and I really wanted one :( Ithink that's the only time I ahve been jealous of my cousin Fari bhai, :P
27. Barbie and the Rockers was your favourite band.

No. Pass
Text Colour28. You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should hook up.

29. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.

lol, yes I did. Childhood eh?
30. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"

Lol,. Man that got annoying after a while.
31. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"

Um, no. Pass
32. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.

33. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.

No, lucky me! Pass.
34. You have ever played with a Skip-It or Elastix

Yes I did. They were fun weren't they ;)
35. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonalds.

Pass. Had huge parties at home instead.
36. You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement.

At times :)
37. Don't worry, be happy

Totally love that song!
38. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.

No. That was on trend I decided to avoid. Pass
39. You wore socks scrunched down

40. You remember boom boxes and walking around with one on your shoulder like you were all that.

Err, no. Pass
41. You remember watching both Gremlins movies.

Yes, I still watch em' everytime they come on.
42. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!!"

Er, no. Pass
43. You remember watching Rainbow Bright and & My Little Pony Tales
Yep, I had the bags, lunchboxes etc
44. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was hot.
Who? Pass
45. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
Err, pass
46. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool...and don't even flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB"
No :( Pass
47. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By The Bell," The ORIGINAL class.
I watched a few episodes here and there but no, not really. Pass
48.You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.
I do now :)
49. You just sang those words to yourself.
Lol, yes I did
50. You remember watching Magic vs. Bird.
51. Homemade Levi shorts.. (the shorter the better)
52. You remember when mullets were cool!
I don't remember many mullets around where I lived. Pass
53. You had a mullet!
No, thank god, lol. Pass
54. You still sing "We are the World"
Yep :)
55. You tight rolled your jeans.
Nope. Pass
56. You owned a bannana clip.
57. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"
lol, yep still do!
58. You had big hair and you knew how to use it.
No. Pass
59. You're still singing shot through the heart in your head, aren't you!

See what I mean? Soo, how many apply to you? :)

Sunday 9 April 2006

Now or Never!

Hello there!
I decided to start keeping this blog cos a) I spend so long on my computer these days trying to get work done for my final year (yea!) and b) I hardly ever get the time to write in my diary (Yes I know… typical girl thing to do; mock me later). I thought I might as well start this blog cos it’s now or never. It’s Easter hols at the moment and I’m supposed to be revising. Hmm…enough said!

Anyhow I figured I’d start with a quick intro about myself for those of you that don’t know me. Right well my name is Saima (obviously, lol), although since high school and university there have been variations, but let’s not share those! I've just entered my twenties (my birthday's in February by the way) and I’m doing my final year of BSc Biomedical Sciences at The University of Bradford. I’ve lived in Bradford for the past six years and before that I spent most of my childhood in Halifax and yes I do go on about it… such good memories, lol.

I love spending time with my family and friends. My mum, dad, my younger sister Aisha and my little brother Bilal are my most favourite people and suit me just fine. Although my family can be trying at times (and which family isn’t?!) I wouldn’t swap them for the world. Other major parts of my life are my many cousins and friends because without them my life would be so um… uneventful? :) I love em’ all for just being themselves. Right, so that’s the basics of my life over and done with!

So much stuff going on in my life at the moment, life at uni’s busy, personal goals to achieve, many things planned for summer, various family events, hopefully some travelling with my nearest and dearest and finally plans for the future, which will hopefully work out alright, iA! Just thought I'd mention that I can be a bit random sometimes, so try not to worry too much! I’m gonna try my best to keep this blog updated so wish me good luck, lol. Take care and speak to you soon!

x X x