Thursday 30 September 2010

September stuff

It's a bug's life
I just link the pictures to be honest.

The migration of creepy crawlies in South Africa's Kruger National Park... but on a much smaller scale in comparison to the wildebeest. And I'm guessing a different pace as well ;)

Slightly strange

Lady Gaga's meat dress
Just when you thought she couldn't get any weirder...

As if the floods in Pakistan, the volcano in Indonesia and the other numerous disasters of late weren’t enough, experts are theorising that London is overdue for a major earthquake. I really hope not :(

The picture below shows the currently active Indonesian volcano in background. How scary does the dark sky look and could you imagine living nearby knowing that any moment now it could erupt? Very scary!

This has to be the funniest way to protest.

Question: What do you do if your bank won’t lend you any money?
Answer: Simple, just brick up the bank entrance!
The article describes how property developer Cameron Hope, built an 8ft by 4ft wall in front of the entrance to the Barclays bank in Bournemouth.

Well, now this is weird. A  study claims that some couples have similar thoughts and are so ‘psyhcologically alinged’ and so in tune that their brains start to work in sync. This happens when they connect on a deeper level – a sixth sense - and without any physical contact. How did they prove this? By using brain scans and analysing their nervous system via their heartbeats.

Clean freak
And people say I have issues with OCD and cleaning ;)

Last picture: Where's wally?

Um, did I miss anything?

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