Monday 1 March 2010


I have no idea whether it’s the Hollywood effect or something else, but lately everyone around me seems to be having some sort of cosmetic procedure done. I mean I don’t think it’s a bad thing but it’s just that there seems to be an unusual increase within the group of people I know. Laser eye surgery, drastic hair colour changes, new porcelain veneers (which look fabulous by the way!), teeth whitening, even a nip/tuck and a face lift!

Plus certain common pictures have now been made even easier or more pleasing to the eye. For example braces were typically metal frames that were fixed to your teeth in order to straighten them into the correct alignment. Now the latest offering is Invisalign; clear plastic moulds that are worn overnight and removed during the day. Every few months, the old plastic moulds are replaced with a new set of moulds that are a slightly different shape and alignment. This process of replacing the moulds continues until your teeth are eventually teased back into their proper alignment. Total secrecy thus no embarrassment of having to wear visible braces, little effort required and the optimum effect easily achieved. Quite good, eh?

Another area of improvement is laser eye surgery. I like the idea that people can now alter their eyesight to suit their needs. Need better night vision? Done. Want to have better long distance vision? Not a problem. Personally I’d just like perfectly 20/20. My eyesight isn’t that bad but sometimes my glasses get in the way i.e. in surgery, I find it highly embarrassing when nurses have to push them up for me. Labs and surgery is one of the reasons why I have started wearing contact lenses. Other reasons also include whilst I play Netball or Volleyball as I’m afraid I might get them broken and also during cooking I’ve learnt that steam and glasses are not a great combination when handling huge boiling pans!

Anyhow I’m drifting off the point once again. Here’s the link to article :)

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