Wednesday 12 May 2010


I’m getting a little tired of it all now… My dad is a little worried about my new found interest in the election and fears that I may have abandoned my medical career in light of any future political aspirations that I may be harbouring. I assure you I’m not; I’m just taking an interest in my country that is all.

Short post today! Woohoo! Lol

Tues -Gordon Brown resigns, Weds - David Cameron and Nick Clegg are new PM’s, Thurs - Newspapers declare a love fest! 

So Gordon Brown eventually resigned when he saw no other way. He announced that he would be making his way over to Buckingham Palace to speak to the Queen. After he made his resignation speech, his two little boys (who haven’t really been photographed before) and his wife joined him and together they walked away from number 10 Downing Street, which totally tugged at the heart strings. I imagine it went a little something like this –

Mr Brown visits the Queen, tells her he’s resigning,

Brown: ‘I’ve had enough innit!’

Queen ‘You serious?’

Brown: ‘Hell yea!’

Mr Cameron hears the news and goes running over to see the Queen,

Queen: ‘Are you taking over mate?’

Cameron: ‘For sure!’

Queen: ‘You and whose army?’

Cameron: ‘Me and Clegg. We’re safe blud, ain’t ya heard?’

Queen: ‘Alright safe. Kiss my hand and get it over and done with. I got places to be man.’

Cameron then runs back to number 10, takes his wife, Sam, along for the ride (who was wearing dangerously high heels and heavily pregnant), makes a speech (heavily plagiarised from JFK!) and walks into Number 10 and can’t believe his luck! And Clegg is his deputy dawg and a huge love fest follows with Brown left out in the cold.

Um, ok. That may not be quite how it happened and the election and all this politics talk may have frazzled my mind somewhat but you get the gist of it right? Also the kissing the queen thing - I feel this link will explain the whole situation :)
After I got back from University, I watched the news channel to see what I had missed (Yes don’t worry, I’m also worried about my sudden interest in politics as well). This little exchange in the Cameron/Clegg speech made me laugh out loud…
Reporter man to Cameron: ‘Prime minister, when asked what your favourite joke is, did you reply with Nick Clegg?

Cameron: I think I did. Sorry Nick!

Clegg: Did you? Right, I’m off!

Jokes all round. Ha ha ha!

They refer to each rather informally as Dave and Nick through the speech, cracking jokes, smiling at each other… finishing each other’s sentences perhaps? So a full on love fest and I kinda hope it lasts! Lol! With Nick Clegg as the deputy PM, does this mean they get to share number 10 Downing Street. Will they have Nick and Dave have bunk beds? Lol
Jokes aside, the Liberal Democrats and Conservative coalition acronym is con-dem-nation. Ah the hilarity! Seriously the conservatives may not have been my chosen party but at least it’s not ALL conservative. Here’s hoping that the combination of the liberal democrats and the conservatives will last and give the public the best of both worlds. Everyone should be given a chance and sometimes change can be good thing.

Also I someone reminded me of this quote...

“Do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just” (Qur’an, 5:8)

Well I wouldn’t say I hate them (hate is such a strong word), but you get what I’m trying to say :)

So there you have it David Cameron, Nick Clegg and their new joint cabinet...

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