Thursday 6 May 2010


Yay! I voted :)

... and thankfully so did others :)

I’m watching the election coverage and I’ll tell you something, it is definitely not the same as the US election coverage last year, lol. So far I love how the BBC graphics team have gone all out in terms of effort, watching Jeremy Vine waltzing up and down the virtual staircase at 10 Downing Street – amazing stuff, lol. The first result in was for the seat in Sunderland, where Labour still held onto their seat but with a significant drop in the number of votes, most them switching over to the Conservatives. Then there a huge wait between until the next result… and so the BBC graphics team sprang into action to fill time, lol. Seriously did Sunderland have the rain man counting for them or something?
That's a whole lot of blue...

I took the lag time between results to read up on the history of elections which can be found here.

During this time we also heard reports about some people (initially in Leeds and Sheffield) being turned away from polling stations as they were too late. Stopping people from exercising their political right? What a joke! It’s not as if the election was unexpected and they had no idea that these people would be turning up. The people in charge of the polling stations stated it was an unprecedented turnout. However the turnout had only increased slightly since the last election and they should have foreseen this as this election has been covered extensively. I wonder if this will have repercussions for both the election results and legal issues associated with those who were not able to vote.

Also I feel I should apologise; I have done quite a few political tweets over the past few days and I feel a little sick! Normal service shall resume shortly.

I was tempted to stay and watch the whole election coverage. But then I thought better of it as a) I’m tired b) the flow of results coming in is soooo slow and c) I’m pretty sure we’re going to have a ‘hung parliament’ which doesn’t really warrant staying up till 6am to find out. It’ll still be there tomorrow so I’m off to bed! Goodnight everyone!!!

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