Friday 31 July 2009

Cool but bordering on a bit weird...

Woohoo! Today was my last day of clinic and I just saw my last patient a mere 5 hours ago. It feels a bit weird knowing that when I wake up on Monday morning, I won’t have to re-arrange appointments at the last minute, lug around any equipment or have a full day of back to back appointments of patients to see. From here on in, it is going be all statistics, analysis, discussions, write ups etc. Also this past month has been a bit low on the blogging front due to my other commitments i.e. university, clinic, ramzan etc. So for today, I’m going to take some time out, relax and write up a couple of posts (about random stuff) in advance, before all the mayhem kicks in.

In one of my older posts I mentioned how my mum had weirdly educated herself on what my ‘type’ was. Well ladies and gents my mum has now taken it one step further. She now updates me on what my crushes (past and present) are up to these days! I don’t mean like a minute by minute account (she’s not a stalker for goodness sake!) but more like a general “So I heard from so and so that ______ is doing this these days” etc.

My best example of this to date is recently whilst I helping out in the kitchen, my mum pulled out a copy of an asian newspaper, pointed at an article and simply said “look at this” – which I duly did. I learnt that Ali Zafar had got married to his long time fiancĂ©e Ayesha Fazli and instead of later in the year they decided to tie the knot now. I thought that was wonderful news and really quite sweet – clearly they love each other very much. She especially kept the cutting for me because yes; deep down I’m still 13 years old *sigh*...

After I finish reading, my mum comments; “He’s seems like a nice guy...I guess he’s off your list now”
LOL - wait, wait... I have a list and I didn’t even know about it?! Besides what did my mum think was going to happen? I‘d move to Lahore, set up my own clinic which he would visit one day and we’d fall in love and get married? Better still skip the clinic bit, we’d meet at the airport just as we were getting off from different flights? Yea! That could totally happen... in a cheesy Bollywood movie. Lol.

Wonder how my mum would react if I told her I quite liked Zach Braff for his goofiness or Jon Stewart for his sarcasm? (Did I mention that they’re Jewish? *gasp* lol)
*sigh*... Well at least we don’t sit down at the dinner table and as a family discuss my taste in men. FYI this happened to a friend of mine recently! I cannot imagine how uncomfortable dinner times are in that family, lol.

Actually give it time, it probably will start happening soon, lol. I doubt that my Dad could refrain from commenting on every aspect of my life. He has to KNOW everything about everything, because (his own words, not mine) “I AM the master of this house” – to which I burst out laughing. Wow. I’ll tell you that response did NOT go down too well, though he did see the funny side of it later – quite a while later in fact :)


  1. Urgh. You like Ali Zafar? He's so - urgh.

  2. lol@Iram. Who's this Zafar guy?
