Wednesday 6 May 2009

Swine flu

lol. Loving the cartoon, it's hilarious.

On a more serious note, it’s that time of year again when everyone starts getting panicky about something that isn’t a big deal as it is made out to be. Example - last year's bird flu panic.

Basically it’s a just a lot of fuss over what is essentially another strain of flu. I mean regardless of what the media say, we should always be careful when it comes to such illnesses as simple steps can quite easily solve the problem. Flu strains by their very nature constantly change and so it is not possible to say whether a certain drug will or will not be effective against a particular strain as the flu virus mutates quite often and can develop immunity to the drugs we have available. Due to its’ constant evolution, we have to be careful about how we use our resources effectively without the virus developing a resistance to the drugs that we do have.

The spread of most viruses can be limited by better sanitation and simple actions such as washing your hands, covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze, using the alcohol rubs that are provided at hospitals etc. Those of us with a stronger immunity will build up antibodies that may be useful in the future whilst those of us compromised immune system such as the sick or the elderly are given vaccinations. The vaccinations are attenuated forms of a particular virus and they effectively kick start the immune system to produce the necessary antibodies without the full blown effect of the real thing. Basically it’s something that is done every year.

Discussing it at the hospital, someone mentioned how it was the “in” thing to have right now. What would be worse would be to catch swine flu next month, when it is no longer fashionable. I have to say it’s very true. I have no doubt that it will soon be all over but right now the media have the amazing ability to get everyone worked up into a panic by using sensational headlines.

Loved this image I found online. It's meant to be a joke, but you never know who might take it seriously!

I have images of people reading the headlines (i.e. "the world is ending!!!"), causing mass panic across the country, people stockpiling food in their homes and succumbing to strict self-imposed quarantine rules until the risk of infection has died down. I mean seriously, whatever happened to common sense? The media storm will pass soon enough as in previous years, but right now I love the puns that have been linked to the topic…

Epigdemic, Aporkalypse, Snout fever, Hamdemic, Snoutbreak and the list goes on.

In my opinion, it’s basically a case of dead pigs generating a lot of spam (hehehe) :P


  1. Bumping fists eh? I'll give that a go in the office/ with clients from now on ;)
