Saturday 16 May 2009

People requests

WOW, do I get some amazing friend requests sometimes! Usually it’s just people randomly adding you on FB, windows live spaces or any of the other networking sites. The requests that make me giggle are those that are accompanied by quirky albeit slightly weird messages. I actually got one very recently, err yesterday in fact, lol. Needless to say I didn’t add him. But as I was clearing out my email folders, I came across a few more that I had saved… probably ones that I wanted to include in a post like this, lol. Here’s my list of reasons of why I probably wouldn’t add you to my friends list…

1) Being too needy – A perfect example if ever I needed one…
A uni student on Goodreads, added me as a friend and I accepted him as his profile seemed interesting. Seen as I added him that was a pretty good sign that I didn’t mind, right? However, it was exam week at uni and I genuinely forgot to reply to his message. Totally my fault, I admit it. However this was then followed by regular emails every couple of days asking why I wasn’t talk to him, asking had he done anything wrong and why I didn’t want to be his friend anymore. DUDE! I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU! End result – profile blocked.

2) Freshies – I shouldn’t need to say anymore, but just to be clear…
“Dear Saima how are you hope u will fine & cool i want to friendship with you do you like friends so plz say something”
Yes I do like friends, except I just don’t know you! Also by adding all my friends to your circle of friends will NOT make me want to accept your friend request. Really how dumb do you think we are? lol

3) Strangely over confident –
“Hey. Don’t worry about who I am Why I sent this invitation 0r If I know or not The main thing is Add me to your network Then we’ll take it from there!”
Lol. Ok this person gets some points for being different, but then there are others. Sending me pictures of the person stood by a flashy car, working out in the gym or whatever else, will get grouped into this category. Not impressed.

4) Not understanding the word NO! –
If for whatever reason I’ve rejected your friend request once, twice, hell three times even please could you stopping adding me. It’s just embarrassing for everyone involved.

5) Getting requests from sites I’m not even a member of –
I think in addition to studying, working, socialising in the real world, I think that me keeping my Facebook, Twitter updated and keeping my blog alive is enough isn’t it? Getting requests from random people on other sites will not make me want to sign up. To name a few – Jhoos, Multiply, Netlog, IMVU, jaxter, Tagged, Perfspot and so on. LOL at Perfspot, which I accidently read as pervspot the first time around! In my defence I was in a rush and skim reading :P

Ok I may be being a bit too harsh really. I mean to balance out the weird messages; I do actually get a lot of really lovely messages regularly from people I don’t even know. Here are a couple of responses from the days when I first started blogging using windows live space…

1) Subject: Hey there
Hi Sam. So, looks like the time has arrived for me to start using this account. I can resist no more! I wandered into your profile and well, I thought you sounded interesting. My name is ****** *******. I think me and you would be friends, cos you seem pretty cute and cool, it's ever so hard to tell in this digital world, lol :) Hey maybe we could chat sometime? Ah you know what they say… looks wins over the eyes, but personality wins over the heart, haha. Sorry I do go on sometimes, lol. talk to you soon, take care ******
Friendly enough right?

2) Subject: Hi my names Saima 2, but i am 11
Omg. ur names is Saima and so is mine
ur a pisces and so am i. i was born in march, but i am 11
u liv in Bradford and my mum is from bradford
ur probably muslim 2? i am
but i'm 11, so plz don't do nutin 2me ( i no u won't)
i just wanted 2 tel u dat there is some 1 just like u!
sort ov, lol
c u! i dunno y i sed dat!

I was a dubious at first as the people on the internet aren’t always what they seem to be, lol. But I think the line “I just wanted 2 tel u dat there is some 1 just like u!” was soo sweet. It got to me a little and just made me think, what’s the harm in replying? If it’s just a prankster then so be it. After my initial reply, I got this…
hey saima
its ur 11-yr-old frend saima!

sorry i haven't been e-mailin u!
its just dat i've been really busy wiv skool and my parents hav gone 2 hajj!
so i had 2 help dem out n stuf

oh yh


how was ur eid??? mine was quite boring(as always!)
i'm glad its da x-mas hols now i can relax, watch tv n eat CHOCOLATE!
i'm a fan ov chocolate u c! lol
anyway g2g. maybe c ya round?
i don't live in Bradford, i live in east london
cuz afta my mum got maried my dad wanted 2 liv ere

anyway take care! c ya

I’m kinda pleased it wasn’t a prankster. I mean seriously, how cute is this little girl?! It always brings a smile to my face whenever I read sweet messages like that. But from someone so young? My younger brother is 10 years old and there is no way that I would expect Billy to write such a cute email to a complete stranger. (Actually I prefer him not to as there are some dodgy people out there!)

It’s weird how many different people you come across in your life and the ways in which you connect with them. And also feel free to continue sending me cute messages, they are most welcome and I definitely do not mind! Love to all :)

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