Sunday 1 March 2009


I met up with a old friend recently to get some help with statistics and SPSS. I mean I’m pretty ok with my statistics but if you friend happens to be a maths teacher then why the hell not? Plus I thought it would be a good opportunity to catch up. To sum up our meeting - well I did learn some new stuff but inevitably we kinda drifted off maths onto other topics, lol. Between my friend and I, I think I’m more of listener whilst she’s more of a talker so I did what I do best :)

I listened to my friend explain how she met her hubby (via a matchmaking relative), how they liked each other and fell in love, how they graduated and got jobs (she’s a maths teacher and he’s a web developer), how they got married (huge wedding where I learnt some interesting things, see previous post on desi weddings), how they both made compromises in their marriage to get along and where they are now at this moment in time. I wasn’t seeking advice… just listening whilst she shared her worries with me. I guess everyone needs to let off some steam sometimes.

Anyhow I continued listening to her, hmm’s and uh huh’s in all the right places, whilst doodling away on the paper that was meant for the stats work, lol. As I left our table for a short while to get a refill on my drink, I turned over the paper I was drawing on for no particular reason. I think curiosity must have got the better of her because when I returned I saw her looking through the loose sheets. Fine by me except she was marking my drawings out of 10 as she looked over them, lol! As I reached our table, in true teacher style she proceeded to tell me off for not paying attention in class! I pointed out that had I not been paying attention then I wouldn’t have been able to produce the following doodles. We both laughed at what I had done…

Doodle 1. Her life before she met hubby. All good men were married… or gay. Her words, not mine, lol.

Doodle 2. Match making auntie was at a disadvantage as they all gained a reputation but she was the only one without money.

Doodle 3. Her husband is obsessed with new gadgets and technology. You name it, he’s got it, lol. She laughed about how he has more of a relationship his laptop than with her at times.

I was going to scan them but my handwriting is not something I want to share, lol. The doodles actually paint quite a glum picture. Can I point out that they are both happily married but explained how sometimes married life can have its’ fair share of trying times. I even showed her hubby the doodles when he came to pick her up. He thought they were funny too and added his own um… interesting additions - another reason why I couldn’t scan them, lol.


  1. LOL! Who were you hanging out with? I think I should start a club :P
