Friday 29 February 2008

Cool or not cool???

Ok I’m not entirely sure if this is a cool thing or not, but I’m gonna share it with you guys anyway...

I’m sat watching a movie in the lounge. Dad is at work and Bilal’s away at camp for the week so it’s just my mum and I. The conversation (a mix of English and urdu, which I’ve translated into English for you, lol) is as follows...

Mum: “Hmmm... I don’t know what you see in him, I really don’t, hai” *shakes head*
Me: *way too engrossed in the movie*... “uh huh”
Mum: “No really. I mean is he the type of boy you would bring home to meet your Dad and I?”
Me: *Really important scene in the movie coming up*... “uh huh”

A few minutes pass...

Me: “Wait, what did you say?”
Mum: “Is he the type you would bring home?”
Me: “What? Who?” *feeling rather perplexed now*
Mum: “Him!”” *she points to the screen*
Me: *looking at the screen* “Who? Keanu Reeves?” *feeling a bit bewildered*
Mum: “I know you like him. You watch his movies all the time...” *I’m biting my lip at this point to stop myself from laughing* “I’m not saying he’s bad looking, but if he’s your ‘type’ know” – *she actually did use air quotes at this point and I totally know what she’s getting at*
Me: *I can’t help but burst out laughing* “Mum, I love you, I really do!” *I hug her and she ends up laughing as well*
Mum: “Don’t bring him home just yet. God knows what your dad will say” *she laughs*

I can’t fully explain what she means in this post (for fear of it sounding at bit impolite) but those of you that know me or my family will totally get it. Putting that aside, she then went to list guys that she thinks I had/have crushes on. Honestly I have to say, it was a bit of a weird moment for me and a few things that struck me were;
a) How the hell did my mum figure out I have a crush on Keanu Reeves?*
b) Mum thought Keanu looked like a boy when actually he could actually pass for her younger brother, lol.
c) My mum thinks I have a type? Wait. No bigger than that... My mum knows my type?!
d) My mum remembers the names of guys I may have liked when I was younger.
e) Never at any point in this conversation did my mum flip out, lecture me or seem disappointed at any point. How cool is she?**

* Ok so maybe anyone could figure that out as it hasn’t exactly been a well kept secret due to certain family members. They know who they are.
** I couldn’t actually tell her point D at that time as my jaw had hit the floor at the beginning of the conversation and was firmly STILL in the same place.

So there you go people; an insight into the wonderful relationship that I have with my mother (mA) :)

I do wonder though, would other girls out there be freaked out if your mum ever brought up this topic of conversation? I can imagine that the younger girls may be horrified at the thought but perhaps as you grow older it seems more acceptable maybe? FYI, in asian households it hardly ever happens and if it does well you end up looking a bit shocked like I was, lol.

My mum told me that as a little girl, if I ever liked anyone I would totally do anything for them and she said it was a very cute thing to watch. I definitely don’t remember anything of the sort but apparently it happened quite a bit during my childhood in Halifax and some summer holidays in Pakistan. Ah well it is funny hearing things from a different perspective though.

Ok, here’s a question for you – who was your first ever crush? You guys have read mine, so it is only fair that I know yours! Feel free to post under anonymous if you like if it’s too shameful to admit to personally ;)

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