Friday 2 June 2006


I would describe my humour as slightly sarcastic. Ok maybe more than slightly (lol), but I can also be quite goofy or just downright silly. It just depends on my mood and the company I’m in. Overall though I think I’m nice about it and hope I haven’t offended anyone. And if I have I apologise straight up as I hate bad feelings between people. Nevertheless I’ve watched others use humour as a cover, which they hide behind whilst making comments that hurt people as they make jibes or insult them. Not very cool people! Yet… it is highly satisfying when the person being attacked strikes back with some fantastic putdowns and leaves their attackers completely speechless. Classic!

I witnessed one of these classic moments in the uni library today. Ok so I was eavesdropping but so was everyone else sat on the surrounding tables. The group was talking quite loudly so you couldn’t help but overhear plus I’m pretty sure the attacker wanted an audience to hear what they had to say as they insulted the unsuspecting individual. What they didn’t count on was the quick thinking of their intended victim who turned the tables on them, leaving the group reeling as the individual exited the library with their head held high. The shamed faced group left with no comeback as they walked past the tables full of fellow uni students giggling into their textbooks after witnessing what had just taken place. Lessons to be learnt = a) never underestimate your opponents and b) don’t be an idiot in the first place. I wonder if the group members are still thinking of a suitable comeback, lol.

P.S. On a side note, don’t you just hate it when you think of a really good comeback and I mean like a really good one… but you’ve totally missed the boat. For example when you wake up at 2am in the morning and think “damn, that’s what I should have said then!”, but the moment has passed. I’m just saying that’s all ;)

1 comment:

  1. I have no problem with good comebacks :P
