Sunday 11 December 2011

Were you looking for me?

No? Ah... well then I apologise for the disappointment.

I am amazed at some of the search terms that bring people to my blog, lol. These are some of the less weird ones :)

Sunday 16 January 2011

Henry’s Crime

I didn’t even know he was in UK, let alone scheduled to be on TV – even though I’m not obsessive but maybe my crush is starting to mellow even further? My cousin (the one who originally introduced Keanu into my life, lol) texted me to say he was on TV right now and I thought he was being funny as usual. But he really was on TV! Keanu Reeves was on the Graham Norton Show, but sadly I missed it and had to wait until they uploaded it onto BBC iPlayer to watch it. He was so funny and entertaining (bless him!) and I am totally not being biased as my cousin also agrees with this, lol. You can see the Graham Norton interview here.

He’s over in the UK at the moment to promote his new movie ‘Henry’s Crime’ which is being released in Europe before America. Firstly I like that we get to see it before America and secondly, how bad do I feel for realising that he had a new movie coming out? Clearly I am a horrible fan! He mentioned that he’s going to be living in the UK for the 7 months or so (yay!) as he’s shooting a new samurai movie called ’47 Ronin’. I may plan a trip down to London (Hello stalker Saima!)… which would be pointless as I would never approach him anyway. Meh!

January 14th was the release for his new movie ‘Henry’s Crime’ which he produced and starred in … and I was rather tempted to go on my own as I really needed a break from university. Thankfully I didn’t have to go on my own as my lovely cousin Sara accompanied me (Thank you Sara!!!). I enjoyed the movie (like my opinion counts, clearly I’m biased) but it left a few questions unanswered. Post movie we had lunch at Frankie and Benny’s and then went to pick up Bilal’s birthday cake for his party the following day.

So yes, I got my Keanu fix but he does seem to be popping up everywhere lately – being interviewed on various radio stations including Radio 1, on early morning BBC news, as a guest on the BBC’s ‘The One Show’ (where again he was funny and charming), on the Graham Norton Show as well as a fair few of his movies being shown on TV such as Constantine etc.

One topic that kept reoccurring in all his TV appearances was the 'Sad Keanu' phenomenon that happened back in June/ July last year. (See this last post). Every single time he got that question, without fail he was charming, smiled and answered as if he had never heard the question ever before. He stated that he wasn’t really sad, he was just having a sandwich and yes, looking back it does seem pretty funny. And credit to him as I know I would have got annoyed answering the same question repeatedly knowing that it nothing to do with the real reason of why he was there. Bless him!

Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

Stolen from Google... but I liked it anyway!

2011 is here. I wish everyone a happy, joyous, prosperous and successful new year! Let’s make it an even better one than last year :D

As a side note, I had a flashback one of my earlier classes (year 7/8) at Brooksbank School. My school was having an extension built and a whole new school block was being added. The school staff thought it would be a nice idea to produce a time capsule that could be buried in the foundations of the new building. The capsule was to be filed with memorabilia and keepsakes of the current year and in addition to this we could produce letters and drawings of what we think life will be like in the future. From what I remember, it was 1997 and I was 11/12 years old at the time. In one of our English lessons, we got to work and put on our thinking/ creative caps of what life would like in 2010, or was it 2020? I can’t remember properly, sorry!

Anyway there are a couple of things that make me laugh about this memory; firstly, why did the teachers think 2010/ 2020 would change our lives so significantly? I mean clearly we would be older, hopefully in settled careers and the rest of things that adult life brings with it. Yet by giving us a specific year to think about, our teachers gave us the notion that we would be by 2010 or 2020 that we would enter some kind of space age. As a result of this, in amongst other aspects of this new space age life, I think I may have suggested hovercraft / flying cars as our main mode of transport in the future, lol. Oh god, I hope I didn’t sign that piece of paper :-/ Imagine if we had put 2010 down, then how bloody disappointed would you be right now? However if we had put down 2020… well there might be a chance.

Secondly, I clearly remember being told by the teacher that the time capsule would be placed in the foundations of the new building and they would be dug up in 2010/ 2020 so that future generations could see how we had changed. At the time we all believed it (What? We were gullible!) but I mean really? Who on earth would rip up a new building in 20 odd years to dig up a time capsule that is clearly factually incorrect. #;’;, and that includes the building trade, it would be economically unfeasible to rebuild a perfectly good building.

So there you go, a childhood memory that I wanted to share.

Anyway, Happy New Year once again. Have a good one people! :D