Wednesday 29 December 2010

Population trends

I know how this sounds but here's a collection of articles on population statistics that I found interesting. Trust me, just go with me on this one ;)

I'm intrigued by the sexual identity data. Surely it would be classing refusal with no response would make more sense as opposed to with 'don't know'. Also 2.8% of people don't know their identity - I mean really? Regarding ethnic group and religion 'Asian British' and 'Muslim' were the next largest proportion's of society... I bet the BNP won't be best pleased!!!
I don't match on any level, lol. Clearly therefore I am not Miss Average. Is that good or bad?
And finally we're messing up planet Earth, which not new news really. What did surprise me was that in the above graphic, the UAE and Qatar (the two smallest countries in terms of area of land) had the highest intake of resources - they actually beat America! Basically the accompanying article states how our usage of food, land, animals and natural minerals has double in less than 50 years. If humanity continues using resources at this rate, then globally we will need the capacity of two Earths by 2030 to support us! It also affects economic security in that basic supply and demand principles will not be met pushing up the price of food, raw materials and other valuable commodities. The biggest ecological footprint is made by rich countries and badly affecting those in low income countries. In other words wealthier countries rely on depleting resources from poorer countries - hardly shocking :(

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