Wednesday 29 December 2010

Population trends

I know how this sounds but here's a collection of articles on population statistics that I found interesting. Trust me, just go with me on this one ;)

I'm intrigued by the sexual identity data. Surely it would be classing refusal with no response would make more sense as opposed to with 'don't know'. Also 2.8% of people don't know their identity - I mean really? Regarding ethnic group and religion 'Asian British' and 'Muslim' were the next largest proportion's of society... I bet the BNP won't be best pleased!!!
I don't match on any level, lol. Clearly therefore I am not Miss Average. Is that good or bad?
And finally we're messing up planet Earth, which not new news really. What did surprise me was that in the above graphic, the UAE and Qatar (the two smallest countries in terms of area of land) had the highest intake of resources - they actually beat America! Basically the accompanying article states how our usage of food, land, animals and natural minerals has double in less than 50 years. If humanity continues using resources at this rate, then globally we will need the capacity of two Earths by 2030 to support us! It also affects economic security in that basic supply and demand principles will not be met pushing up the price of food, raw materials and other valuable commodities. The biggest ecological footprint is made by rich countries and badly affecting those in low income countries. In other words wealthier countries rely on depleting resources from poorer countries - hardly shocking :(

Monday 13 December 2010

This made me smile

I’m sure there will be a million articles regarding the upcoming Royal wedding for a while yet, but these pictures taken by photographer Mario Testino, brought a smile to my face. I think they make a cute couple :)

Will and Kate: the official picture

Will and Kate: the cute picture

Diana and Charles - the comparisons with every aspect of his parent's marriage have already begun.

Sunday 12 December 2010

The countdown to Christmas...

Do you remember all the words to 'Twelve days of Christmas'? Well the image below is a slightly different take on that song...

Yep, Christmas just got a lot more expensive, which is hardly suprising if I'm honest. Also what are the chances that you'll be singing that song for the rest of the day? :)

Friday 10 December 2010

NUS protests against tuition fees

Prior to the elections, the Liberal democrats promised to stop tuition fees rising, the conservatives muttered something about unpopular cuts that needed to be made and Labour were too busy trying to keep up. Fast forward six months and the Lib Dem formed a new government with the Tories leaving Labour out in the cold. Since then a lot of spending cuts have been made, making the new government not very popular. As well as cuts, a rise university tuition fees has been proposed by the Tories and backed by the Lib Dems – the very same party that vowed to oppose the rise in higher education fees. So it is understandable that the people that voted for them feel cheated and betrayed.

Students unions across England have been protesting since the fee increases were announced with the first official NUS demo taking place back on November 10th. The news channels went all out with the coverage and what started out as a valid protest, unfortunately turned violent towards the end which was not the intention of the students union. The chaos was directed at the headquarters for the Tory party (Millbank Tower) and MI6. Students were subjected to being hit by batons and kettling techniques (I learnt a new term, although kettles do eventually boil so maybe not such a good use of word). Thinking about it if kettling is used to contain protesters whilst baton’s are used to disperse crowds... erm, well is anyone else seeing a problem here? Surely using both techniques on the same crowd at the same is a pointless exercise as neither method is working successfully.
Although the few people that initiated the rioting were not thought to be genuine students, it still didn’t stop some of the media from describing ALL students at the protest, as an unruly, violent, uncontrollable mob. One of those news people happened to be Sky News presenter Kay Burley, who is excellent at scary people unnecessarily and I think my favourite exchange has to be between her and an office worker from Millbank Tower.

Kay Burley: *an an overly dramatic voice* YOU must be terrified with the all that chaos going on outside? What are you going to do?!?!
Worker: *in a completely normal voice* Err, no I’m fine. I’m going to finish work soon and then go home as usual.

After a lot of fighting within the political parties and numerous student protests, this Thursday the government officially approved the rise in tuition fees, which in resulted in further protests. Unfortunately some members of the Royal family also got caught up in this, which was very unfortunate and totally uncalled for. I think the new government just weren’t prepared for just how many people would be willing to protest against the unexpected increase in fees. Also it makes me feel kind of proud that people are still willing to stand for what they believe in and not just take it lying down. Hopefully it will all get sorted out for the better soon enough but it shows that the British are still very much alive and willing to fight for what they believe in! Yay for Britain!!! :)

Monday 6 December 2010


It started snowing on Saturday :)

A week and a half later and people are going crazy!!! Stuck in the house for long periods of times, schools and offices are closed due to the snow, frustrated at public transport not working properly. Crazy!!!

Looks pretty though doesn't it?

Wednesday 1 December 2010

NOW Christmas begins!

Okay, NOW I consider it to be Christmas... after seeing the Coco cola Christmas advert and of course it is officially the 1st of December.

Above is the 2010 advert but I much prefer this older advert :)

It’s nice to see that Lego still made it into the top ten list of most wanted Christmas presents this year. Plus this Oatmeal comic fantastically summarises my childhood experience of Lego – such fun times :)