Friday 21 August 2009

It’s getting there...

  • Clinic – done.
  • Data collection – done.
  • Patient and GP follow up – done.
  • Statistical analysis - nearly done. Would have been done earlier if I had stopped making changes from numerous suggestions.
  • Reading – being continued.
  • Writing up dissertation – slowly but surely getting there. Numerous drafts done so far.

Phew! I cannot wait to hand in my completed dissertation, here’s hoping I will get a good mark (iA).

Following the submission of my work, I have two/three whole weeks off before I go back to university for the start of the next semester. Here’s hoping we have good weather during my time off as my holidays were practically non-existent this year. These past few months, I’ve twittering about my dissertation progress during the final months of my MSc. Rather weirdly I got a tweet from a company offering to analyse my data and write up my dissertation on my behalf. All I have to do is send them the university guidelines, my word limit, how I would like it set out and a copy of all my data collected and so on. Helpful it may be but I didn’t take them up on it as; firstly I wouldn’t have spent any time and effort spent on it and so calling it my work would have been an unfair representation. Consequently the final marks would not have been a true reflection of MY work and in my academic/ professional life to date I’ve have never knowingly submitted something that hasn’t been my own work. Secondly I have major issues about plagiarism – handing over unpublished work to an unknown party (and sometimes even known parties) who may or may not be connected to your work is NOT a particularly smart move. I’m pretty sure most of you will probably say that I’m being paranoid but in my mind it’s better to be safe than sorry.

The reason why I have slowed up on posts lately - people witness my dissertation mess! This is what my room looks like at the moment. I promise you it is a good kind of chaos... organised chaos if you will :P

So yes that’s my dissertation progress and now onto other news...
Aah yes so far then – Independence days for Pakistan and India (14th and 15th respectively), Ali Zafar got married but I’m over it, lol (see cool but bordering on weird here) and probably the most major news the month of fasting (Ramzan) will soon be upon us and I’m in two minds about the whole thing. I will further explain this in a separate post later. Hopefully. Actually to be honest I haven’t had much time to catch up on a lot of news which is probably why I’ve been using twitter a fair bit these past few months. Twitter trend topics is good for catching up on general ‘need to know’ news – however I have a problem with this. I often find that trending topics is just a bunch of people tweeting to find out what it is going on and NOT actually informing me of why it all started in the first place. Not very helpful – maybe they should get someone to put up a little intro for each the current trending topics perhaps? Ok, maybe it’s just me then...

Must get back to some work now...


  1. Monica - look at your room *gasp*

  2. Don't, I'll cry! Oh, the shame :'(
