Monday 22 September 2008

Is it time?

So here we are... has the time come to call it a day? My blog updates are becoming few and far between and I always seem to come up against technical problems... why wont’ my computer let me be?! lol.

Hmm... new semester started today, got a lot of course literature to read through so how do I use my time? By updating my blog and fixing the various issues I had :) A quick update on my life since my last post...

Life stuff so far includes –

  • Weddings played a major part in my life over this past year or so. Faisal chachu got hitched, Adnan chachu also followed, Umer bhai got married to Gabby, Furheen baji got married to her other half and Ashar bhai remembered that he hadn’t had an official registration ceremony so we had that as well, lol. Friends getting married include Munira, Iyesha, Mahria, Abbey (Abida), Uncle Bhatt’s daughter Nasra, Uncle Singh’s daughter Harjeet, Jabeen, Noshien and many more that I’ve probably forgotten as all the weddings seem to merge into one huge party season!
  • Work; completed my one year in Harrogate during which Abbey left after getting married whilst Liz and Dee from uni joined as well as Sarjil and Urvi from Bio2work. Had a good year and made a lot of friends but glad to be getting back to uni and the student life again. Here’s hoping I do well in my future studies, inshAllah.
  • My DIY shenanigans have continued... redecorating my room by demolishing old fitted wardrobes, redoing the paint work, redecorating Aishi’s room and decorating Bilal’s new room in the extension. Feeling quite DIY competent but will my father ever admit it? I think not! lol.
  • Managed to kill my car :( in a spectacular crash back in June 2008... hopefully my first and last. Still trying to figure out how I managed to cause so much damage?! I know for a fact that my father is still in shock!
  • I finally got myself wait for it... BROADBAND! Woohoo! Yep I can hear the applause already... I also got a new laptop thus solving my technical issues. Basically I’ve finally entered the modern world... so what I hear you ask?! What’s the big deal? Well it’s a big deal for me, it took a while, being a student does not help, but I made it... so a pat on the back for me I guess, lol.
  • Joined a lot of social networking sites over the years, but with FACEBOOK taking over everything lately it meant a lack of blog updates. Wondering if I really need these and contemplating a good clear out of membership to such sites. Hmm will get back to you on this...

Erm can’t think of anything else at the moment really. So back to the question; “To blog or not to blog?” hmmm...

Saima A says I have got way too much to do this year to be messing about with blogs and dealing other possible issues that will arise as I get more addicted to it...a bit like Twitter, lol. On the other hand, Saima B says that I’m gonna be writing so much these days anyway that adding one more post to my list won’t be such a big deal. Who knows, it may help with my writing skills (ha!) and act as a release for me allowing me to take time off from serious science to write about more light hearted topics every so often. Combining Saima A and Saima B gives rise to Saima C... a much more balanced view perhaps? A, B and C are all me by the way, just in case you didn’t figure that out already! :)

Hmm I think I’ll continue this blogging malarkey for a while longer and see how it goes. Perhaps find an alternative platform to blog from as Windows Live doesn't seem to cut it anymore. The search is on!!! (Ok I think that last line is stolen from The Apprentice... seriously beginning to sound obsessed with the programme, help!)


  1. Yea please stop. You are boring me!

  2. Dn't stop. Keep writing please ;)
