Saturday 15 September 2007

My DIY exploits

I arrived back in the UK on 13th August from my summer holidays, only to be greeted by the ever present rain and the longest traffic jam on the M62. Apparently the weather was fine the few weeks I was away (Sod’s law) but I’m pretty sure everyone’s lying about that, lol. Started work back in Harrogate the very next day, when what I really really needed was to sleep. Also arrived back in time to attend Faisal Chachu’s wedding so thank god I went shopping and had the foresight to buy some wedding outfits (phew!) :P Despite being severely jet lagged, attending work the very next day, a family wedding in the process and also quite ill, I still managed to fit in some DIY before my father got home. Yes, yes I know, I do love punishing myself!

I ripped out the old fitted wardrobe (with my dad's permission!) and re-wallpapered the room. Did I stop there? Ha ha, nope! I then proceeded to rip out the old carpet and replaced it with a newer carpet from the garage. Yea I know what you’re thinking, why did we have carpet rolls stored in our garage? My answer is ask my father :)
Here’s the funny thing though... I didn’t have a clue about carpet fitting but that didn’t stop me and I carried on. Laying down the new carpet, I KNEW I hadn’t done it correctly, but rather than admitting defeat, a little voice in my head told me, "Don’t make any damaging cuts and just lay it down in the room and wait for dad to get back and help me". Plus I couldn’t bear to bring the old one back in as it had dead spiders and what not in it, eek!

So I moved most of my stuff back into my room and put my bed together so I would have somewhere to sleep at night, but the worst thing... my clothes were homeless for like a whole week! Ok I know how girly that sounds but it was just so sad as the massive wardrobe that I was inheriting from Aishi (lucky girl!) was only in the next room begging to be put back together again. Argh the agony! Ah well it all ended well... and my dad vowed never to leave me on my own again, lol. The pattern being I only attempt DIY when he’s not around. Hmmm, one of these days I shall have to prove him wrong me thinks, I am his daughter after all, hehe :)

What we found behind the fitted wardrobes... cobwebs and an array of err, colourful wallpaper patterns

Mum was annoyed at me for messing about with the camera... but then I made her crack a smile anyway

Dad & Billy back after their hols decided to help me out by laying down a new carpet in my room. As you can see Bilal took the word 'laying' as a direct order :P

1 comment:

  1. Flipping heck. Ill and stil doign DIY? Crazy girl
